Moving the camera with the mouse is really nice, but I feel like you may want to slow it down just a little or make something you can set up in the options.
Items and equipment menu is solid and feels natural to use.
Am I crazy or does spamclicking on enemies kill them faster?
I am not entirely sure how I feel about the fact that your fireball can damage you as well, on one hand it is so easy to fuck it up and die, on the other hand it is kind of cool.
Game crashed while I was standing in the fire, don't know if this helps you. I did manage to repeat the crash doing the same thing again.
After firing a fireball, you sort of naturally run into the burn since you clicked where to aim it.
You need to more clearly convey to the player that equipment degrades, but I think overall this might need a tutorial.
One core strategy is to just spam the attach fire to the weapon ring, I think many players will miss this (I did at first) and die a lot.
Although this is realistic, I think you die too quickly once your shield breaks.
It seems to be more stable now, but did crash again while I was engaged in combat with multiple enemies and with multiple troops.
I am not sure how to juggle between using the abilities (items I guess) of the main party when you have many of them. Could be me just being stupid.
Anyhow, I still like it, and once its REALLY stable I think you will have something good going.