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Unfortunately I think a recent gamemaker update might have broke this...  It's ceased working for me as of IDE v2023.8.0.98, Runtime 2023.8.0.145

Tried my test project from GitHub and seems to work fine

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I reverted the version back to 2023.6.0.92 and it's working just fine again.   Couldn't say what's happening exactly.

For reference, I'm using the extention to open multiple windows of my game similar to a tutorial I found somewhere:

if( global.multiStart ){
    var i;
    for(i=3; i<=global.multiStartInstances+3; i++){
        if (parameter_count() == i) {
            if( i < global.multiStartInstances+2 ){
                var k;
                var paramStr = parameter_string(1)+" ";
                for(k=2; k<=i; k++){
                    paramStr += parameter_string(k)+" ";
                paramStr += "-secondary";
            var pNum = i-3;
            var xPos = pNum%2;
            var yPos = floor(pNum/2);
                    100 + (global.resolutionX + 40)*xPos,
                    60 + (global.resolutionY + 60)*yPos);
            global.onlinePortNumber = 32770+i;//different ports for each game
            global.connectIp = "";
            global.connectPort = 32790;

Basically just restarting the game with more and more parameters and opening windows based on how many parameters there are.