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(1 edit)

There is a boss on the left side that opens the 3rd door, to kill him you must grab a box and throw it at him until you kill him. I hope to help you

Ehm, there is a wall in the way,
how does one get past that?

and abovem there is the thing shooting rockets at me but also a wall on the left side blocking the way

A hint in the room with the rocket launcher seems to suggest that rockets can destroy some walls - but I've never been able to gets the rockets to follow me well enough to guide them to any walls, so I can't confirm that.

(1 edit)

Yeah... the rocket has a completely different trajectory in-game compared to this video.

(2 edits) (+1)

I don't know why, but I already deleted the door.

Sorry for the mistake

Yeah, no wa in hell I can hit that door.

The best I can manage (by standing beneath the rocket shooter, one milimeter to the right and jumping)
is to get the rocket to fly super close past the grabbling arm block on the right, jsut closely flying around it without touching it.
and flying into the bottom platform, exploding there without any effect.

simply expressed:
the minimal movement radius of the rocket is jsut that much bigger in the actual game than in the way that the rocket can fly past that middle block on the left side.

will try again, with the door now gone.


Thanks for trying it again.

I loved your description of the rocket