OK, I got to 666. Not sure if I care enough to push through to the ending. So. Some more thoughts.
- I wish you could hit space or some key to control the orb. If you're not pointing with the mouse, then there's no reason for it not to just be a key, and I'm better at keeping my fingers relaxed while constantly pressing a key: when clicking the mouse button like mad I tend to tense up and then not want to play for as long.
- Arrow keys as well as W/S would be nice for movement: I don't care too much in this case, but some people do prefer to control movement with their right hand (on a keyboard).
- Since this is LOVE2D, you could use scancodes instead of keycodes so that I don't have to switch my keyboard layout from Dvorak to QWERTY in order to play. If you use love.keyboard.isScancodeDown or the second argument to love.keypressed/keyreleased, then you can use the same names (w/s) but it will refer to the key's position rather than the character it sends.
- The art is fun: the game name and the stalactite graphics are great.
- I kept losing track of the ship because I was so focused on the orb. It might be cool to have a dashed line or something from the orb to the ship?
- It was a little distracting that the skulls died with the same sound as the spinners: I'd sometimes think that I killed a spinner and move on and then go, "oh, wait, that was just a skull exiting the back of the screen." I think it would be better with a different sound, or even none at all for the skulls.
But those are all minor things.