Out of curiosity, how are we going to be verifying that people are only submitting bug-fix updates after the deadline? I know this has been controversial, but I feel like any updates are kinda against the "spirit of game jams," as scuffed games and bugs are part of the experience. This also effectively adds two weeks to an already really long jam in the first place, and as having to limit scope and cut ideas to get it done on time is another part of game jams, it doesn't make the most sense to me. The argument of "the rules don't say it's not allowed" is kinda just reaching for technicalities, even though it's pretty clear that post-jam updates were not intended. I will not be making any changes, bug fixes included, to my submission, but with the "beautifying" of my game done by the initial submission date, I very easily could double or triple the scale of my game in two weeks, assuming I'm even in the top 20 anyway. I'm not looking for opinions to change at this stage, but just wanted to put my opinion out.