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A member registered Nov 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Damn i was fighting for my life here! Really hard, but i did manage to beat it! It was fun, wish the Xs weren't as small as they are. Love it!

Completed all the 20 levels. Want more. Please make that happen it was really good! Love it!

Im glad you had fun even with these bugged controls 😭😭 I forgot to enable custom cursors which make the game way easier to play and some collisions were off, yes, but i did fix all of that in the patch that will come after the votes! Thanks for leaving this comment and playing the game!

When i saw the title i was like "no way they made a loop hero clone in just 3 days" and then i got 2 million dollars cause it was addicting and fun, thanks for making this, i had a lot of fun! Love it!

Really cute and easy to play! Love it!

It felt like benjamin was about to drown right in front of me, cause of all the glitchy backgrounds... However in all the other aspects game is really fun! Love it!

Saw the first character. Saw that it looks bad. Checked the comments. Cringe. FUCK AI

So pretty! Can't wait to see Connor fail miserably at this masterpiece! Love it!

A really fun thing! Fell in love with it from the main menu! So adorable, wish the monke part was more obvious tho... Love it!

The ending killed me. Literally. Should i call the policemun?

Jokes aside, this was one of the most polished things i've played in this jam! An easy to understand (after dying once and then actually reading the tutorial) gameplay loop, fun art, fun noises and of course that damn ending! Love it!

It was short, but it was quite nice! Really love the art, and the enemy hit counter xD A really fun short experience! Love it!

So fun and so polished! One of the best games i've played in this jam! A super fun challenge that i was really happy to beat! Love it!

The long awaited sequel! It was fun to revisit it but harder and more fun! Love the art, love the satisfaction of popping those darn bloons! Love it!

That is such a fun concept! There are tons of vampire survivor reskins, but this is something else! The funky controls and the lovely art complete each other perfectly! It's just a lot of fun to play! Love it!

I have no idea how i got to the 2nd place on the leaderboards 1st try, but it was really fun! Maybe the ability to hit stuff wasn't as clear as it should be, but i figured it out eventually. A super fun experience! Love it!

Almost 100%ed this bad boy! Really fun and creative idea! Perfect for a quick browser experience. It was cute and it was fun! Yeah, the mouse doesn't always register exactly how i want it to, but i think it's not that hard to balance it out? Love it!

Sex happened. I laughed.

A really fun thing, i quite enjoyed it!

One of the best games for this jam! Reminds me of these old flash games we all used to play! Beautiful art, nice music and an easy gameplay loop that doesn't demand too much of you. Love it!

It was quite difficult at first, but the moment i figured out how the controls work - i was unstoppable! Such a fun game! It's short but it's just the right amount of short. The art is so cute and adorable and amazing and other adjectives! It's a perfect 5 minute adventure! Love it!

This was the best thing to happen to me at 3am

Jokes aside, this is one of the most polished games in this jam gameplay-wise. I loved driving around, loved shooting ither vehicles. Truly wish that you eventually make this into a full game! Y'all are a talanted team! Love it!

p.s. can't wait to see what's gonna be your third monke game in this jam series! (gotta love the monkey ballin' mayhem)

Finally, after painstakingly learning french for 11 years, i get my redemption!

Jokes aside this is such a cute and charming game! Just the aesthetics of it are immeasurable! Love it!

No good ending D:

Still, as a VN creator myself, love to see such a good one made for this jam! Love it!


Amazing game! Really great sprite work,  love all the little details and actions, however it got kinda repetitive by the middle of the road, so i got a bit bored 😭😭 But all in all a lovely game! Love it!

Yoo, thanks! I have played your game and i think that im willing to share the "funny unexpected thing" award with you :) I've had a blast with your creation! Love it!

Words can't describe how amazingly deep and cunning (idk what this word means) has my experience been with "Guns on Monkeys on Bikes". This game, no, work of art poses a question of deep and cunning (still dk) "why? why not make a game so fun, that it lingers on in your memory for years on end..." And it answers that question very deeply and cunningly (idc idk).

Overall all I can say is that this game is very deep and very cunning (i'll never know).

5 Stars!

That was really fun! You should totally make this into a proper full thing! One of the best and most inovative games of this jam! I love it!

Such an amazing game! Love the PS1 style assets, love the music, the intro, but that gameplay DAMN! Super fun! Although couldn't complete it, at some point spamming A/D did nothing and the heel defeated me :C AWESOME GAME!!1! LOVE IT!

(1 edit)

Hi!! There are so many cool devs here so if anyone wants to collab in the future here's my twizzler: https://twitter.com/olezha_wow 
or you can dm me on discord .o . @olezha_wow

i am also maybe gonna make a devlog on my youtube https://youtube.com/@olezha_wow :D

Your game is amazing! Of course it's in the top 20! But still congrats! :D

Words can't describe how amazingly deep and cunning (idk what this word means) has my experience been with "Cutie Conquest". This game, no, work of art poses a question of deep and cunning (still dk) "why? why not make a game so fun, that it lingers on in your memory for years on end..." And it answers that question very deeply and cunningly (idc idk).

Overall all I can say is that this game is very deep and very cunning (i'll never know).

5 Stars!

Honestly shocking! I've worked in Ren'py before and I could not imagine that you could do such complex and fun things with this engine! And the art is also amazing! Such a great experience!

What exactly will the judges evaluate?

With the updates, by "in the meantime" do you mean before the stream (the moment Mousey plays it) or is there another moment that signifies the end of "in the meantime"? Like when she's gonna download all the downloadable games for example, or when jam hosts are gonna review the games etc.

I'm really glad to hear that! Thank you! 💖

Such a lovely experience! My favourite bit is Mousey's ice cream design! 5 stars all the way!

(1 edit)

I think a good solution for that would be to let people decide on their favourite games, then give the devs like a couple of days or a week to update the games if they want to, and only after that check them, so that noone gets in anything nasty.

Like, again, in the Monke Jam, Monkeet did get into the stream with an update, which means that the mods didn't check the games immediately after the voting was over, hence devs should have a period to be able to improve their upcoming "judgment by Mousey and chat day" experience. After all the monke jam stream didn't happen right after the voting period ended, it took a few weeks, so maybe with this one there should be some time as well.

I do see why now this is a complicated question, since it wasn't considered before, but i hope that if there are going to be more jams in the future, that this question will be answered in the rules from the start. Like I understand the concern of the hosts, since it's their first game jam (most of them didn't even have an itch.io account before), but the updating post-voting period really shouldn't be one of them, as it's not a problem in the wast majority of other game jams. With this one being so similar to the Monke Jam, and that one also did not have a problem with updates. :D

(3 edits)

I don't really see why the voting would need to be redone, since the top 20 would already be decided and it would allow the finalists to fix anything they wouldn't want the stream to see. I guess we can't avoid the comparison to the Monke Jam, ran by Connor (CDawgVA), LordKyubae and StellenCopy. One of the winners of that game jam, "Monkeet" by "byXToGo", had an update before Connor did his stream with the jam submissions, which allowed for a better game and stream experience for both Connor and his viewers. And this update did not loose byXToGo their #10 spot based on the voting period, since the rules didn't say anything against it. And just like with Monke Jam, Mouse Jam's rules specifically say that the updates aren't allowed DURING the voting period (...you may not submit any work or updates during the voting period.), and there's not a single word about post-voting period updates. And changing the rules mid-voting would be kinda nasty, since everyone has already read the rules on the main page of the jam, why would anyone re-read them and find a new rule? And you can't expect everyone to read this specific community board...

Another great example would be "monke girlfriend wants FRUIT!" by "Brewed Leaves" and "MatcheboxMox", who are actually participating in Monkey Jam with "Cutie Conquest". These devs have made some small bugfixes DURING the voting period. And they still got the #12 spot and got to be played on stream on Connor. 

And if someone who doesn't get to the top 20, updates their game and it becomes awesome and considered by many to be worthy of the prize or being played by Mousey, well too bad, since THAT IS against the rules, cause it didn't get into the top 20 DURING the voting period.

Also if the top 20 games (aka the results tab) will be hidden initially like with the Monke Jam, there won't be a way for devs to tell that they've made it to the finals, so they'll have little to no ulterior motive to put in something nasty in the game, knowing that they'll get to show something that wasn't planned on stream, cause they won't know that they'll make it to the stream.

I guess it's mostly my opinion, but if it'll be considered i guess it'd be really nice for the devs, since quite a few of the participants who I've talked to want to make some animation or performance or bug fixes. It's not that they're submitting a drastically different game, they are submitting a BETTER experience with the SAME GAME.

TLDR - Post-Voting Updates aren't forbidden by the rules, and if they are now, they shouldn't be, cause the updates wouldn't interfere with the voting results and would allow for a better stream and overall jam experience for everyone involved. Also banning them now would be pretty much impossible, cause not every dev is gonna see this community post.

In the rules it is said no updates DURING the voting period, so I belive you are allowed to update the game the second the voting ends. At least that's what I'm planning to do .o .