I played this a while ago (couldn't wait!) so sorry if there's things I missed or if I talk about outdated things since this game isn't fresh in my mind anymore.
I like the idea of the Aoi Oni style chases, and it definitely put some more tension in the game even in the calmer moments! I also think the game did a good job of making sure these chases didn't activate in certain map portions that are difficult to navigate or which have a lot of puzzles, and that every time you did get into a chase then the hiding spots would be pointed out, which was a nice touch.
My one complaint here is that, the difficulty for the chases between normal and hard felt a bit too much of a change? I played an older version so it may have been changed by now but the version I played easy was okay, normal was manageable, and hard made it impossible to walk two steps without running into Pinocchio, haha. I wonder if instead of just the chases, the difficulty options could make some of the puzzles optional instead? Or, probably the variables that affect his appearances just needed to be tweaked.
Speaking of, I enjoyed most of the puzzles though I wished some where a little more clear on what to do (specifically the clock puzzle and the puzzles with the gold and silver suits of armor are the ones I remember off the top of my head). The clock puzzle, I think if one hand were made thicker and shorter and one longer and thinner that it would help people figure out "oh, it's a clock!" and to put the hands in the right places. The armor one I only figured out by randomly pressing them... if there was a better way of figuring it out, I wasn't able to find it, haha. Overall though, I enjoyed most of the puzzles, though some (like the painting puzzle) were a little tedious... I know I did it in my own game so I can't complain, but I think making puzzles skippable kind of defeats the point of them. I think if you wanted to implement something like that, maybe if you were playing on easy and it automatically skipped the puzzle, that it might make more sense. For that particular puzzle though, yeah the constraints of RPGMaker and the way it was set up just made it kind of tedious either way. I think if there was a menu you could select the pieces from, that may play better. Which is too bad, because I got excited to solve it when I noticed the connection between the tiles and the painting! It is what it is though, I think it was a good idea just hard to implement.
I also always appreciate being able to skip the introduction, though in this case I had to start over a few times while trying to find the right difficulty. A really minor thing, but I would have preferred if the "skip introduction" could have gone all the way past the section where you play as Geppetto and started when you get the key and have full access of the house (and have to start running from Pinocchio). I understand why it's set up the way it is, and the Geppetto section didn't take too long to play through anyways, but right after is where I feel like the game really begins (and it's easier to get a sense of the difficulty from that point on). I'll also say that the old man was probably one of my favorite characters hahaha, his interactions with Geppetto were pretty funny.
My last issue is with the endings. They all made sense, they just felt too short? For some of them them being short was okay, but I think particularly the "True Ending" I would have preferred to see a little bit more of what happens rather than just being told, if that makes sense. My favorite ending was probably the one where Mia just decides to up and leave the house though, hahaha.
I also have to say, great job with the story! For "adapting" a well-known story, you managed to make a version that's not only pretty distinct from the original despite sharing similar elements, but also made sense and everything was tied together really well. Good job!
Overall, good game! I'm interested in seeing what you work on next :)