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Hey, thanks for playing as much as you did! That's great to hear.

Was a bit confused by the icon used for the "Punch attack" and "Grab attack" in the tutorial. It looks like the trigger button but I'm not quite sure.

Yeah, those icons aren't great. You're correct on what they were.

I like how everything is themed around Hawaiian culture. Like how the opening is on a cruise ship, the items being local things you could find, and the pamphlets. Very unique setting and idea.

Thank you. I've had fun with it.

Should indicate with a signpost that the tent (sleeping) is how you save.

Yeah you're right.

Holding down left stick to run is a bit unintuitive. Maybe use a face button?

For a long the dodge button did double duty, but I needed to add the variable dodge distances. I need to make it clearer that you just need to tap it, not hold it.

On one screen the falling sound kept repeating, but I wasn't falling nor did I see anyone else fall. Probably an enemy out of view that keeps falling? Maybe you should make falling sound distance based?

Hopefully that bug's been fixed after demo day.

Platforming would be easier if the player had a shadow that you could use to see where you would fall after a dash.

Possibly? The player sprite never rises or falls, but adding both could definitely be helpful.

Enemy went into the water, then got pushed into another screen, so I followed them there, but their stats (stamina) stayed the same, so they kept swimming without drowning.

The anti-cheese thing I have that makes it so enemies heal real fast when they're unaware of the player might be way too aggressive. I'll look into it.

Enemies too willing to drown.

Yeah I need to figure that out in general. They're supposed to avoid trying to walk into water and holes but they still do now and then.

Enemy grab attacks are a fantastic addition. Very cool.

Thank you!

There seems to be some kind of parry system? I'm not sure how to use it. (At least I think I saw something like that)

Well I'm curious what you saw. The closest thing to parrys that the game has is grab teching which is a fighting game mechanic. If you and an enemy attempt to grab each other at the same time, it'll bounce.

Hunger/food should also be directly explained to players, preferably through signposts. I was confused as to why my stamina was decreasing all the time until I read the stats menu.

Yeah, I could make that one clearer early on.

Grab attacks are really fun.

I'm glad!

Somehow had a chicken of 0 count stuck in my item use wheel. It stayed even when I added a 10 stack of chicken.

Oh that's super weird. I am not sure what to make of that. Hopefully I'll figure out what caused such a bug.

Somehow able to overload bag space (like 21/16) I don't remember how I did it, but I remember it happening accidentally.

Likely related to the bug that caused the other thing. Hrm.