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Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 5! It's nice to meet you! My name's Hythrain. I'm part of the FQ team and a hobbystreamer. I'm writing this review live after having played your game.

As is normal for my first time playing, I don't pay attention to what the game is about until I'm playing it. That way, it allows what the game is about to surprise me. So when I booted up the game, I wasn't sure what I was in for. It wasn't until part way through the first character that I realized it was about women's rights, and even longer to realize it was about getting these rights in Argentina.

It took me a while to put together how the game worked, where different choices led to changing the amount of damage dealt, though I never understood what part the signatures had for the gameplay other than being a nice inclusion of showcasing how people utilize their rights to make change.

I think a bit of explanation going in about what you're supposed to be doing would be helpful, and I would like to see more variety in sounds. The same voices for characters felt a little old before I was done the second stage.

Overall, I like the game and I think it's spreading an important message.