My main engine is RPG Maker because it suits me perfectly to someone who knows almost nothing about coding. That includes my favorite free alternatives RPG Paper Maker and Wolf RPG Editor. But the originals Makers are done by a company, I hope this Unity mistake shows them that this is no the way. Something that Unity has done is disable all previous versions of Unity so you can only use the latest. In RPG Maker, you can buy and use each edition whitout problems. I'm not convinced by RPG Maker MZ, but that's fine, I can still use MV (my favorite) whitout problems, it evens gets some support updates.
Thanks to the steam special sales prices, you can save money when buying a RPG Maker. But if someone wants a free alternative (maybe you can call them 'clones' but thas a bit mean) you can try these:
Wolf is the one that I want to use when I din't have money to get a main RPG Maker, and some of my favorites games were made in it (1bitheart and Alicemare). Altought the software is "dead" is still worth it.
Paper Maker is still getting support and doesn't look that It will stop, when I'm more economy confortable I want to tinkering more with Paper Maker and make something interesting. Also, is a 3D engine but very optimized, runs very well in my computer! And also looks pretty.