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A member registered Dec 23, 2015 · View creator page →

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Perdona, pero es que se me hacía raro que ustedes sean los últimos en esperar su aprobación, ya que en mi experiencia personal que tuve en bundles anteriores, sus respectivos anfitriones eran siempre los primeros en dar su respectiva aprobación, y me dejé acostumbrado a ver dicho patrón.

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No, es que ahora está sufriendo un retraso porque todavía le faltan 20 aprobaciones. Y hasta el propio anfitrión del bundle le falta también su propia aprobación. 

¿Que pasa si llega a eliminar a los que faltaron para sacarlo adelante y entre ellos está el anfitrión?  Eso podría acabar con el bundle entero.

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Buenas Roleros. Disculpen, el bundle comenzará pasado-mañana y aún quedan 23 participantes que deben aprobar.

Pero cabe la posibilidad de que comenzará con días o semanas de retraso (incluso si todos llegan a aprobarlo).

Ia Ia Oh! The Game.

Although to be honest, I found the game as a concept very interesting, but the design and gameplay issues that left the third level have left me far behind.

Level 1-3 it's impossible, there are an excessive amount of spikes and wall jumps, and even if you manage to overcome the entire section, the time left to reach the finish is too short. Apart the physics doesn't help much. And also, sometimes when you run out of time, the game closes abruptly.

Level 1-3 it's impossible, there are an excessive amount of spikes and wall jumps, and even if you manage to overcome the entire section, the time left to reach the finish is too short. Apart the physics doesn't help much.

And also, sometimes when you run out of time, the game closes abruptly.

Super Bob-Omb!

I know what is the idea for the sequel:

The graphics, soundtrack, and the game overall feels the nostalgic vibes of the Flash era games.

Cattura le bolle con bolle più grandi finché non scoppiano. Un modo molto interessante per reinventare la formula Pang.

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Hi. How did it the source code of your game get lose? Have you forgotten to make a backup in time? Or even the backup got corrupted? 

The truth it's sad to see how you've uploaded everything that's left of the game. Do you still have at least the pixel art and music? With that, maybe you could reboot the project with a more updated version of the engine.

Let's see if the next Splatoon 4 for Switch 2 will has a minigame like Squid Jump.

And also, great game, but the quit button is unnecessary in HTML5 and sometimes ink bombs kill even when the squid is buried in time (this happens specially after reaching 2000 points).

Hi Arluc. about controls in 3D levels I did my best to be smooth to handle, but it's not easy to reach or surpass the level of the controls of a Super Mario for example. In the ranking part, I will be thinking about where I will put a compilation of ranks obtained by level, and at what time it will be most useful.

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Awesome Pico-8 version. And also happy 40th anniversary Super Mario Bros.

Looks cool the game, but what was the older game like if it says this is the remake?

Eso es porque la jam ha terminado y ahora están en proceso de migración para el bundle, y por lo que voy notando está siendo más lento de lo esperado.

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If it were really true that all refunds over $100 can't be made, it would be armed robbery, but if you applied for their request on that date, I must tell you that the day before there was an incident related to the Funko and Brandshield issue, and itself was much more busy solving that problem that it forgot to attend to its own.

Hi, I'm Ofihombre.

The reason I asked for an update for the bundles is because I have been part of several bundles in 2024, and the main problem as to why most bundles take days, weeks or even months after the established dates is because in their approval system some pending users take longer than expected, which causes the following reasons to move the bundles forward:

1.  Wait for the administration to remove users who didn't approve it.

2. That bundle owners must delete bundles in order to redo them to undo users who didn't approve them in time.

The truth is that I already feel like it's a bad experience having to put up with this type of delays in the bundles. As a suggestion for updating its approval system, the least I could ask for is that bundle owners themselves can remove users they didn't approve once their established dates are reached.

If Dreamworks was bought by Disney instead of Universal or Comcast, Shrek's world in Kingdom Hearts would be possible XD.

When Waluigi admits defeat.
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Tiene pinta de ser un metroidvania muy prometedor e interesante, pero hay cosas que dejan mucho que desear.

Para empezar los momentos de fade son lentos antes de pasar a la siguiente escena, los controles les falta por pulir, el salto no responde antes de caer al vacío debido a la falta de tiempo de coyote (Coyote Time), y cuando usa el impulso ni siquiera reacciona.

Y para los niveles, les falta un buen fondo y rediseñar algunas partes, más aún si se tratan de los primeros que van a jugar.

It happened to me also, I also wanted to sell a game on GOG, I sent the game, they replied two weeks later that they would look for a team to evaluate it, and after that I received practically nothing.

My understanding is that if there are games that don't meet their quality standards, they reserve the right to abstain.

Randy & Manilla

XDXD, this minigame deserve appear on the Sonic & Garfield Pack:

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Hola Roleros, soy Ofihombre, yo también voy a participar en el bundle de solidaridad con Valencia (porque yo también soy Valenciano), pero he un visto un detalle al final de tu comentario: Cuando usas DeepL para traducir texto, aparece al final como marca de agua "Translated with (free version)". Deberías prestar atención con ese detalle si quieres borrarlo.

Super Mario Bros. with the Super Mario Land 1 sprite proportions.

Hi again, I'm back to see that the game has been improved thanks to my feedback.

Curious on how the crab's souls odyssey has evolved. Surely the investors who came to you really liked your idea.

Dels pocs jocs catalans fets amb Pico-8.

Of course, Wreck-It Ralph was part of the inspiration for Randy & Manilla's game, and it is for three main reasons:

1. I used to upload Wreck-It Ralph fangames on before because of the huge fanaticism I had with the movie back then.

2. Even though I liked the movie, since it was about video games, it made me think the following: If WiR is a movie about videogames, wouldn't it have been better if their characters had debuted in video games from the beginning, and on top of that, without being made by Disney?

What I mean is that the problem with being a Disney IP is that only the original movie is good, and the sequel or the live-action remake doesn't come close to what made the first one great. And the spin-offs and merchandising are often not a worthy representation of the films (speaking after their promotion) nor are they coherent with their theme (especially when they overexploit too much the mix of their own characters from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, etc.), which in the case of Ralph would be bringing the games from the film (like Fix-It Felix Jr., Sugar Rush & Hero's Duty) to reality as part of sub-sagas for it instead of being simple promotions for it (but that will depend on what type of game works best).

3. And the most important and very related to point 2, the great disagreement I had with the sequel Ralph Breaks the Internet.
This is largely because I felt that more "affection" was given to the scene and Vanellope with the other princesses (specially for the simple fact that she is also a princess since she was revealed in the previous film) than to the rest of the film and its problems with breaking with what was established in the first one.

Now with the three points already mentioned, It was when in 2019 I finally dedicated the creation of Randy & Manilla, what supposedly for me should have been "Wreck-It Ralph".

However, during its 5 years of development, I have encountered too many problems and setbacks along the way for a game so ambitious for my level (both in terms of experience and economics), and having many references to the aforementioned movies, the reactions were mixed: Some liked the game's approach, but others also saw a serious lack of quality that could lead to legal problems (like Manilla for example, who has the base body of Vanellope).

That, combined with the huge oversaturation of games in the industry and the fact that it doesn't has a very competent quality, means that the game isn't having the impact it should have (although I didn't expect it to be that big, just "fairly").

Or it might be because I'm trying to fit into a model that doesn't work for the kind of project I'm proposing.

I don't know what else to say, maybe I'm the one with the altered perception of reality seeing Wreck-It Ralph as the strange missing piece for a complete video game representation (one in the style of Super Smash Bros. with trophies and spirits), but the truth is that it never seems to have been necessary for the industry to function very well (specially in a difficult time like the present)

Though at least thanks to that movie, several of the subsequent videogame movies have proven to be more than decent.

Bombersnake would have been his previous name?

How nice to see that Smitty's Journey finally has a sequel in development.

Bomberman meets Snake.

So cool, a new fangame based on Pingas universe:

Hi Lemon, thanks for your comment, although in the case of the inverted controls for the ship and camera they had them in previous versions, but I changed them because they felt weird to others too. It's more of a habit issue that should be solved with customizable controls.

About take Randy & Manilla into the educational field, It would be an entry into spin-off territory that might fit with their kid designs. However, it would also feel like that moment in the 1990s when the big videogame mascots tried to enter the educational field (some poorly executed, others decent), or perhaps even reference at Baldi XD.

I managed to contact the person who made the jam, and deleted for me the trace I left of the submission.

I give him thanks for solving the problem.

I also participated in the survey.

Buenas otra vez Hacky Studios, ya he visto la nueva actualización de Steve Adventure y ahora tiene sonido y música.

Muchas gracias y suerte con el proyecto.

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Hi AtasFun, thanks to play Randy & Manilla, although I can take into account some of your suggestions, the truth is that it needs a lot of clarification because it isn't as easy as it seems:

1. If you play the game even more, you will be even more pleased that Manilla's participation increases with the passing of the Net-Cubes.
But there is a problem with asking for Manilla to be playable from the first Net-Cube.
Terra-Qubit is intended to be a Randy-exclusive Net-Cube, and by doing so it makes better use of the potential of the aforementioned character. If I decided to include Manilla as well, it would be extra work to design new levels that fit the character's mechanics.

Ironically, the Net-Cube 4 (Wonder Race) it's also an exclusive Net-Cube, but for Manilla, Randy doesn't participate there and it is where her character's abilities shine the most (Would you suggest that there be levels for Randy in that world as well?).

2. No, that the game making you choose the winning character after losing is not a flaw, it's part of the Gamezone Cube rules, so that its difficulty is as balanced as possible. If in the screens that the character loses against the winner and still continues using the same one that lost, it would be easier and its current design would break.

Regarding your advice for creating a tiebreaker method, I would personally try to find a super simple minigame once the marker is reached, but it would happen more after tying two or three times (Which fortunately most of the people I saw playing the game managed to avoid, including you thanks to my advice).

3. About the ship part it would be more of an optional help mode that would add to the game options. It would be useful not only for people who have never touched an airplane simulator, but also for people with vision problems (taking into account the chaotic palette that Net-Cubes have).

Anyway thanks for your feedback.