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This is one of the most unique takes on the text based adventure I've seen in a while- well done!

My only gripe with the design is that I would occasionally just click a green word by instinct before seeing what the other options were first. I suppose it would have broken the rule of "one word", maybe a second click for confirmation? I dunno, otherwise this was super cool to read.


Thank you for the feedback! I did actually consider doing something like "you wonder whether you should fight the bear or run away" with your choices then being "fight" or "run" but, as you say, I felt that would go against the spirit of only using one word.

Perhaps you could click once to select a choice, and then it would only proceed after it cycled through the rest of the options... It would give you the opportunity to change at any time and would let you see all the options without breaking the "one word" theme.