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It's about the story the author wants to tell, like if the main character is to transition then they have to incorporate that in the story, and frankly it's not going to feel right if it's just some small thing like that can't pop up and then be brushed off if you understand what I'm saying. Like the more you think about it the more you realize how much effort is required to actually pull it off, especially if it wasn't planned. 


By your logic, what then was the point even of adding the option? As I said, most trans people would rather play as a cis protagonist, than play as a trans protagonist that is still permanently in the same body as their own biological sex. Sure there might be some outliers that would play that way, but the vast majority wouldn't.

So based on what you're saying, is the dev then virtue signaling by adding a 'trans' option that everyone knows barely any actual trans people would use? I'm genuinely curious what you think since everyone seems to have enjoyed downvoting my genuine and most importantly non-hostile question to the developer, while yours have gotten plenty of likes. I'll bet everyone that disliked mine aren't actually trans, and are just salty cis people that don't want to even talk about trans people existing. They probably didn't even take a second to try and think through what I said in good faith. They just saw trans and disliked, lmao. 

At the end of the day, I asked a genuine question to the dev. I didn't give them hate, I didn't throw slurs at them, I was respectful and non confrontational. So why else would people dislike my comment outside of being because they didn't want to hear anything about trans identities?


sure they are toxic there xd


I mean identity is complex, again the game did not need to add the ability of mix matching the voices with the bodies and the pronouns, but it did. I doubt it was hard, but they went out of their way to do that. Most porn games don't let you play anything more than a low opacity faceless brown/black (or godforbid blonde) haired white guy with a horse cock. Anyway I've said all I need to say on this but I'll repeat myself in hopes of clarity: It's not really reasonable to ask the developers for transitioning in this game cause that would take a lot of writing and editing and totally divert a story that ultimately looks like it will either be short or not have time for that, honestly if you were to do it right it would have to be the focus of the game.

I want to be a little optimistic about human beings (atleast on itch) and say they simply just didn't like the idea. And no one said anything about you saying slurs or said transphobic slurs to you (not that that is the only way to be transphobic) you gave a suggestion and then people rated that suggestion (they did not like it) 

Though if you'd like to suggest genuinely good trans representation: mixing the genitals with the bodies is something a lot of games have done and worked really well. "What's the point?" well like you said a small minority would like that so we give them that, and then nonbinary people (which exist) can enjoy their pronouns and custom bodies and everyone else can still enjoy the gender of our choice. It's not like they explicitly say you're playing the cis option because gender is not important to the story and because it isn't the cis option it's the female option cis or not. I hope I didn't miss your point and go off on a tangent you weren't even upset about and hopefully I cleared shit up. Also it sounds kind of like you're  implying this is shallow representation which like yeah it is, because it's the best they can do with a game that has no story revolving being trans-- anyway kindness or some shit byee.