Hello there and thank you very much for your feedback, I really appreciate it! :,]
It's very awesome knowing that you enjoyed the gameplay overall and the choice concept I'm trying to go for! I am aiming to make choices matter/have 'value' where and when I can versus making the player feel like they have to make the 'right' choice if that makes sense. It's great to see people are enjoying the aspect of it! :]
Speaking of the dark /dense/mysterious stuff, since the beginning I really wanted to branch the 'horror concept' so I'm glad that abstract horror detail was noticed. >;]
I also welcome the technical feedback! I've been working very hard at balancing out all of the SFX, I didn't know how to properly even it out at first but I figured it out a few weeks ago and it is being adjusted appropriately! As far as the parallax effect goes, I've been testing/looking into for some time now but it'll take some time for me to get just right and I want to get the exploration down pact first! :]
For the music mastering, I appreciate the helpful mention of it! When I went through and got all the SFX/Music in early development, there were some weird noises that came with them that I tried to remove and unfortunately some still made it through into the demo but they if not most of them have been replaced/adjusted with something else instead!
Thank you overall for the advice, I will see what I can do going forward! > :]