Thanks man, I'll check out your game soon.
Fictium Sound Design
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About me: Hi, I'm Kevin from Fictium Sound Design. I'd like to call my self as a sort of "music storyteller" that will help you, the Dev, to better your stories through your video games.
Skills: I compose any genre and style, although my strongest suits are Horror & Dark Fantasy. I have experience from 8 Bit, 16 Bit, 32 Bit to modern sound, so I can also do retro!
I'm also on BlueSky where I post my WIP content:
Rates: I charge 50$ per minute of original music but we can negotiate!
Contact: DM on Discord (fictiumsounddesign) or send an email to
Hi, I'm Kevin from Fictium Sound Design. I'm a composer and sound designer specialized in horror games (currently working on "Ratkiller" with my indie game studio that I'm the audio director).
I'm looking to further network and meet other talented horror game developers.
This free horror music pack with 3k views and 100 likes - So, I think I'm good enough for the job!
Hi, I'm Kevin from Fictium Sound Design. I'm a composer and sound designer.
I'm looking to further network and meet other talented horror game developers.
Got some free and paid music packs showcasing my skills in here:
Hi, I'm Kevin from Fictium Sound Design. I'm a composer and sound designer specialized in horror games (currently working on "Ratkiller" with my indie game studio that I'm the audio director).
I'm looking to further network and meet other talented horror game developers.
This free horror music pack with 3k views and 100 likes - So, I think I'm good enough for the job!
Coolio! Looking forward in case you decide to take things further! By the way the plugin to simulate different acoustics (such as the sound coming from an actual phone or walkie-talkie), check "Place It" from Soundly. You can run the plugin in your DAW and apply the sound effects.
Oh, sorry about the sound jargon. Stingers can be environmental sounds, but typically they are very short tonal (that is, very short "music) elements that is played based on in-game triggers/cues. It's very typical for AA games to have it, but not mandatory if you have different game design concepts in mind.
Also, you could probably work on the reverb of the spoken dialogues. They way it is doesn't really sound its coming from a radio, that's because of acoustics! If you're interested in that I could further explain/help.
What's your current plans for game development?
Horror composer (and a big fan of horror games) giving feedback:
- The visual textures are amazing, it really helps with immersion.
- Interesting game concept got me curious to see how it would further be developed with additional game mechanics.
- The SFX are alright but maybe the you could set the initial volume level a bit lower.
- That glitch when reading the in-game PC screen is too much and affects readability, maybe you could make it more subtle and sporadic?
- I'm not sure if you'd be expanding this proof-of-concept but if yes, maybe add atmospheric tonal elements (stingers).
By the way, if you have a BlueSky profile be sure to share it so that I can follow up your work! Cheers!
Hi! I'm Kevin from Fictium Sound Design and also the sound director / designer / composer and the co-manager of a small horror indie game studio called "Black Pigeon Games".
Who are we?
We are a small studio of 3 people dedicated to creating story-rich, immersive and unique indie horror games.
Our is staff is one UE 5 developer, one narrative designer and one sound designer, and we are looking for a generalist artist that can create detailed and high quality digital sketches to translate the narrative ideas of our writer as well as props, CGs and 3D models. Ideally the artist should be able to handle both high-poly and low-poly, but preferably low-poly in the absence of the latter.
What's our difference in relation to other rev-share indie game studio projects?
Well, we don't mass invite a lot of people alienating the ones who truly like our creative vision and philosophy, each member that becomes our staff is curated and highly valued.
Specially because, we are looking for highly talented and ambitious individuals. if we succeed it's going to be your name alone on the game's credits that you'll be able to flex as an actual portfolio that carries weight in the industry.
That being said we prefer to work in small numbers in order to build trust and personal connections between the members, as well as to allow each one of us to shine our artistry and do our very best in our work.
What's our background as a studio?
We are probably a low-to-mid tier in terms of expertise in our crafts so we have a philosophy to learn and improve as we go. But the developer has 4~5 years experience with the Unreal Engine, the write has already won local literary prizes and I have a YouTube channel almost hitting 500 subs (you can access that on my Itch's profile) with my original video game music, as well as a track record of sales throughout the main asset stores, with a promising horror game (inspired on Silent Hill) being developed with me as the solo composer (you can check that out on BlueSky by searching for "Bloodguilt Vita").
A few notes on the selection process
We understand that having to do too many things is complicated and that you may have just one or two of our requirements, but if you happen to be a talented visual artist and would be willing to develop the other skills as we go, that would also work. What really matters is to find out if there's chemistry between us, because like I said, we're betting on the opposite direction of other studios, everything we here is personal but also done professionally due to you actually caring about the studio and our projects.
What's our current projects?
We've got a low-poly horror on hold and we're currently developing a high-poly one with a simplified project scope (because we don't have yet an artist).
The low-poly horror: "Ratkiller", which is about a rat exterminator trying to survive amongst a few survivors in a future apocalyptic world where "Gods" built matrix-like machines to serve their own agendas where they used humans in biological experiments. The "great machine" project failed, the "Gods" abandoned the world and a cult was formed to try resuming the construction of the "great machine" despite a pending otherworldly danger that is connected with the "great machine".
The high-poly horror: "The Crossing", which is a smaller scope project where a father and son decided to go camping but then unspoken past issues surfaced involving mental illnesses, military dangers, and a fragile relationship between a father and son.
Business model
Revenue-share with equal split % between all staff members. That means you'll earn money based purely on skill and collective results, not by contribution based on time (such as hourly rates).
Recruitment process
It goes both ways ~ we'll test to see if you're really interested in working with us by observing your work in a test period, and you'll test us to see if you like our creative vision and businesses model, if everything goes well then we'll discuss the details further ahead.
Also, you must not be in another revenue-share project so that you can provide the minimum availability for our project, as we understand you'll probably also be doing freelancing work, creating assets, doing a day job, etc.
If interested please send us an email to with your portfolio and describing a bit more of yourself.
Our social media links:
Thank you for your attention.
Hey man, I just played your game! Interesting concept tho' I wasn't able to get through that narrow corridor with 2 of them lol.
- Nice PSX aesthetics, tho' it looks like to be less low poly than classical PS1, so it a touch of originality.
- Good use of general SFX.
- The stingers are simple but effective, however maybe a more nuanced drone / dark atmospheres / ambiences could help it.
- The use of shadows and the colored eyes were very well implemented.
Hi, I'm a horror composer and a big fan of PSX style horror games. I just played this short demo, and here's the feedback:
- That blurry/dirt effect on the color added an extra for the game, props for that.
- I didn't quite understand the thing at the end but I found it hilarious.
- Gotta put some SFX for footsteps, doors, maybe some crickets and whatnot (since it's in a forest).
- Also, despite these titles working well with silence, if you decide to develop it further it would be interesting to have some piano music for the menu theme as well as some more nuanced drones.
Hey man, I just played your game as i'm also a fan of the souls like genre. it looks like the game is in its very beginnings, so i have a few remarks:
- There should be an option for keyboard settings besides with game controlers (i don' have one for instance).
- It's a big laggy. I think that seems to be a very common and difficult problem to solve, that is, to make it run 30 FPS+ while using 3D graphics.
- Some of the SFX are weird, specially the footsteps, also some of them are a bit too loud.
- Are there innovative gameplay mechanics that will be implemented besides it being a hack and slash game?
- I think I heard the soundtrack somewhere else. It looks like to be royalty-free or from a Paid Music pack. That being said, have you considered where exactly the sound direction will go towards?
- The camera is a bit weird too, if you're aiming towards a souls like 3D game that and the character control should be as smooth as possible so that players aren't frustrated when doing difficult battles.
Now the good part:
- It's really cool that character's an archer and not a swordsman for once!
- I really like the visual aesthetics, it's good for a starting point.
- It's a proper 3D dark fantasy game! It takes balls to do it as It must be really challenging, I'm happy for that!
I'm a dark fantasy game composer by the way, if you need any help let me know!
Interesting. Haven't you starded posting on social media such as BlueSky btw? That would be interesting for more people to find out about your work. By the way, if you're interested I have a free horror music pack on my profile, it's also on YouTube and on Unreal store as I guess you'll either have to learn music composition by yourself or choose royalty free sources?
Hey! horror game composer giving feedback.
I really enjoyed your game, congratz on starting into horror games.
A few remarks:
- I felt some minor lags during specific moments.
- Mouse sensitivity seems to have reseted during the cutscene.
Although these kinds of games work perfectly well with silence it would've been interesting to experiment with some sound design maybe for the tense moments.
Also, the SFX was solid. Good job.
Hey man, VGM composer here.
I just played your game and beat taurus. Got me laughing with the "almost dark souls", lol.
First of all, good job starting out with the dark fantasy genre, as it looks a bit underrated in the indie game zone, I see much more standard fantasy then dark fantasy ones.
I think you have the potential to heard towards a Blasphemous-like direction, get this shit more and more darker to get a dark metroidvania.
So, tho' the art looks decent I think you good keep working on it. I'd say to try finding a cohesive sound pallete for the SFX. Also, I'm not really sure if the 8 bit fits in there.
I have a couple of dark fantasy boss theme songs you can download for free (just attribution needed). If you feel you'd benefit from that, you can access the "Free Fantasy Music Pack" on my Itch profile page. Perhaps "Eldritch The Torturer" or "The Weeping King" could fit your game. If you've got a female boss down in the road you could use "The Bestial Queen".
Oh, in that case if you need music I have this FREE 2D Platformer Music Pack. Perhaps it may be useful, it's 8 Bit / 16 Bit retro style.
I'll be on the lookout for when you get back at developing your RPG game!
You've been putting a lot of thoughts into that! I just happen to know the basics of Akira Yamaoka's composition thought processes, the harmonic choices he likes doing with chords, form, structure as well as how to recreate those ethereal, dream-like pads with layered SFX for both the calm and horror parts. Whenever you're ready, If you'd like, I could compose a free 2min sample to see if you like it!
Hi, I'm Kevin, if you need a composer for the game jam I'm available. Here's my work:
Discord Contact: fictiummusic
Hi, I'm Kevin, if you need a composer for the game jam I'm available. Here's my work:
I'm proficient with authentic mono 8 bit music, you can find an entire album of NES era on my YT channel:
Discord Contact: fictiummusic
Hi, I'm Kevin, if you need a composer for the game jam I'm available. Here's my work:
Discord Contact: fictiummusic
Hi, I'm Kevin, if you need a composer for the game jam I'm available. Here's my work:
Discord Contact: fictiummusic
Hi, I'm Kevin, if you need a composer for the game jam I'm available. Here's my work:
Discord Contact: fictiummusic
Hello, I'm a RPG composer and I just played your game! Congratulations for attemping to do an action rpg game, it's a very challenging genre!
Here's my feedback:
- The sound panning is off, its mostly coming from my left speaker, it should be coming out equally from both sides.
- It's a good idea to loop several music during gameplay, but I'd say you should watch out for music that ends up breaking immersion, I noticed that some that played in there would be a better fit for a dark dungeon than a forest.
- There seems to be a UI bug when more than a window is openned. For instance as I was openning the skill level window + the ESC menu it crashed the game.
- Maybe remove the enemies screamming sound SFX and leave it for specially and key characters? It'd be less repetitive.
- Props for the day and night cycle, that was cool!