Ha ha yeah! They all have their lives. Sometimes they step away for a little bit and come back 😆 I hope it doesn't hurt your feelings
The puzzles are crazy hard! Did you really get to the ending? You have to solve so many puzzles to get there ha ha~
defiantly, I played through the whole game again just to get both endings, the puzzles leading up to it are very difficult as you have a limited timer to finish them! I don't wanna spoil anything but are there more than two endings that i might've possibly missed?
either way, I'd love to see more of the characters, if it's anywhere outside of the game like a short comic for example that would be nice👍
There's MOSTLY just those two endings, but a few weird easter eggs and variations depending on your gender, abra's gender, and the things you decide along the way
For one of the craziest easter eggs, if you make Abra upset at the end of the game -- she'll leave you alone for awhile. After solving a few puzzles by yourself (with no Pokemon) eventually Sandslash comes by. You can tell Sandslash something that makes Abra FURIOUS with you, and Abra reliates against you in a very weird way!!! I don't think very many people have done this, but if they do I bet it shook them a little...