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Great expirience start to finish. It was great to move around and do stuff. The maze while being not easy to navigate has very distinct rooms that make it great to map in your mind. I hope you keep on because that last power was awesome and would have loved a bit more room. /Spoiler the last boss felt really like a last boss of a long game and would have loved a fight with the staff at that point! Not a complaint though just in case you expand further :) 


Thank you so much! Yeah I tried to make sure all the weapons had a use in the final fight - the crucifix for sending the bats away, and the cane for breaking the crystals that shoot bullets. But I think a lot of people are managing to do the fight without destroying the crystals, even though they take huge chunks of her health away! I made that last boss in a single day before the deadline, so it could definitely do with some tweaks :D


Ahah I'm one of those people, I liked dodging the bullets and when I tried with the staff I didn't get that I was deflecting. Don't get me wrong it's a great climax boss and make you feel worthless at first and then you pieces the puzzle toghether it is very satisfying! I just imagined fighting a lesser vampire dodging and bashing him with the staff(yeah I enjoyed that weapon a lot ahah) at that point if the game would have been longer!