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My pleasure, always love finding and supporting amazing NSFW game developers! :D

I'm glad to hear about those changes to the arena quest requirements, 10 certainly sounds like a good number to still be a challenge for the infinite waves to be unlocked.

Hmm, when you said double-clicking the use key on NPCs I thought that might have been the cause for the crashes with the lift, but I think it might actually be related to when you're trying to "upload" a second score for the quest with the green tentacles before it as that was the only times I can seem to remember it crashing and after trying to replicate the crash in the debug version with my current save and failing to do so, that's the only conclusion I can come to. Sorry that I'm not much help with this issue :(

I cannot agree with you more with that statement about consent! <3 Certainly one reason I'm trying to do something similar in my own NSFW games now, so thank you for the positive vibes about the idea! :D
Ooh, I'll be looking forward a lot to the next bugfix update then, love me some new anal art and even more I'll be looking forward to the next content update too!

Always a pleasure to give feedback, after all, it's the only way we developers know what we're doing well with in our games and what we need to fix or improve going forward! :D

I’ve released the small update with said changes now - let me know if it helps with the cat lady bug! And hope you enjoy the new anal menu animation!

Also, for the lift crash you mean it happens just before you reach the lift, like when the score is supposed to show up? And no worries about not being able to replicate it, thanks for giving it a try :)

Nope, it was specifically when I tried to use the animation on it to start it going up, would just close out the game if it was my second time

attempting the pit quest.

(1 edit)

No worries about the pit lift crash, I figure that one’s grindy to reproduce and I don’t want to burden you with it more - you’ve done a lot already. :) I have a feeling I know what could be happening based on your description and it’s not something that should be super common, and the exact root cause likely won’t be simple to find either