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Hey, thanks for the feedback let me address some of the points you brought up.

The third-person camera for us adds a lot more possible content and roleplaying to the game, stuff like costumes, and seeing the character you chose. However we might bring it back as a variable option in the future, but building it would mean we have finished all other mechanics and systems.

Yeah, the out-of-bounds radio tower was intentional, perhaps I can remove the icon for the next patch to remove confusion, we are just not sure what we want to do with that space on the island so we are leaving it unaddressed for now. It is part of the plains, so it will definitely be designed before our early access launch.

The camera will be re-addressed in a future patch, the next one which is the monpedia overhaul will fix the issues you're having with monster girls not being recognized by the photos. It is a matter of "tagging" the girls and tagging their reactions/behaviors. Which is all the monpedia is about. Scoring will come with post monpedia overhaul though, we have a system in mind that will make a lot more game sense than it does currently. As for the monkii on the bounty, that is something we missed, we checked for them before launch but it seems we missed some.

So currently the lust bomb does not work if the girl is slightly aware of you aka actively searching, I am not happy with the behavior atm so it will be addressed. Same with rocks, it just needs to have a reaction to the item hitting it during animations. Something we will polish as we develop. The animations during sex will also be getting a touch-up, we mostly added in these ones to get the system operational, we didn't have the time we wanted to polish, and that would take extra weeks we didn't want to delay. They actually do have AI but we had to remove their eyesight for the launch at the last minute. It was causing massive stuttering due to them constantly searching for things like the player and interaction points. This will likely be the very first micro patch for the game, we know how we wanna fix it, it just needs to be built. Basically, the eyesight is a really old unreal tool we are using that is not designed to handle the number of roaming ai we have. Just gotta build around it tbh.

I am glad you can see past all the issues, this patch is a massive overhaul of the game foundation, and it is something we can quickly elevate ontop of. GIve us another 4-5 months and it will be a fantastic experience.