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I was playing this again and saw another ghost that mentioned the sequel. “My friend needs help. Her spirit is trapped! But you’re not strong enough yet…”

(1 edit) (+3)

That ghost is a leftover from a early alpha that I tried to remove unsuccessfully. 

Completely removing broke the game or something. It's been a long time so I don't remember.

My solution to the problem was to make it so rare to appear that the odds are about one in ten thousand players will ever see it.

Somehow every year someone manages to locate the ghost and it always amazes me.

The plot to the sequel has changed a lot since then but you'll eventually be able to meet other trans magic users and ghosts.

The primary reason that the hidden ghost was cut was that encountering her dramatically changed the emotional tone of the game.

The prototype which changed a lot was that detaching too much from your body could make you literally just lose your body.

You would help another trans magical girl who lost her body.


There was meant to be another set of endings relating to the ghost who would only appear via RNG and still be pretty rare. The goal of this was to create a sort of cursed gameboy cartridge thing where there was a whole secondary scenario that most players would never be aware of.

Sort of like an urban legend? Unfortunately it would’ve scoped everything up significantly so I attempted to cut it.

As I stated before it was tied to the code too much to be removed fully so in a way it did become an urban legend alongside the hidden fairy in the game.


that sounds amazing, and thank you for telling me/everyone. I haven’t gotten the “am I boring?” ending… I wonder if it’s actually rarer than the ghost at this point. (no offense! that’s just kind of funny.)

it might be worth having someone double-check your math next time. (not me, I’d screw that up)