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Deleted 1 year ago
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Hey FightersDayInc! Noted, will take your career advice into consideration. In the meantime, I will address  your other comments.

For the music, I'm not really a music guy, I was supposed to collab with a few sound guys but they got busy, so that was just my newbie attempt to come up with some retro 8-bit chip tunes. I'm probably biased, but I thought it turned out alright, all things considered. I understand people have different music preferences. In fact I normally turn off music when I play games, even ones with good music, so I added an option to do that as well. Just turn off music in options, problem solved!

As for the controls, did you check the FAQs? Generally if the controls don't work, it usually means one of the following: 

1) the game window is not in focus, maybe through a mouse press outside the window or a special keypress like ctrl+tab or alt+tab or windows button, etc. This can be resolved by clicking on the game window itself.

2) the key config somehow got messed up. This can be resolved by going to key config options and assigning your preferred keys and hitting accept. This should resolve this issue.

3) Your gamepad isn't detected or configured properly. To see if your gamepad is supported, in the main screen you will notice a control pad icon will appear. If not, the gamepad is unsupported. Can you be kind enough to tell me what controller you are using so I can investigate further?

Now assuming it does work, your key config might not be properly configured. There are too many control pads snd arcade sticks to configure individually, so right now they are configured to the most commonly used and what I currently have, Playstation controllers. So other controllers might be configured incorrectly. This can be easily fixed by again going to the options menu and properly assigning keys that you like. Again, in some cases, depending on the controller, some keys might not be supported. Just use the ones that are.

I hope you can get the controls working, and can give the game another chance. Toe II Toe is just a light game not to be taken seriously, a 20 second destresser. If it doesn't work for you, my apologies. There are lots of games on itch and steam that might scratch you better, I'm sure you will be able to find one that you like. Good luck and happy hunting!

If you're looking for new sound designers/composers, I would love to be part of the team!

You can decline of course! I just thought I'd offer! ^_^

Hey, I checked out your stuff, I liked the track Lay Me Gently. How can I get in touch with you? Shoot me an email!

Yes! My email is! :D I'm also on Discord: maplewoodstreet.

Feel free to contact me there! If for whatever reason I don't respond for whatever reason within a few days, feel free to ping me here too!

Oh what's your email? :O

It's been a few days and I haven't gotten a message on here, email, Discord, Twitter, or NG. Maybe it was put in spam? If you're still interested, let me know!


Sorry, been busy so I wasn't able to check. I was expecting an email (listed on the game info). I'll send you an email/add you on discord.