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(4 edits) (+1)

I only made it to level two before quitting.
I don't know if you were deliberately going for a retro difficult vibe to the gameplay, but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

If you weren't:

Maybe you've come to the same conclusion but, obfuscating the progression so early on was bad design IMO.  Hiding a vital powerup behind a secret wall was questionable (I guess the fact that you put platforms down there was a bit of a tell) but given the pits instantly kill you and send you to the start of the level, I wasn't incentivised to experiment.  

Even in a hard game, I think it's better to be guiding early on, and save the hidden stuff for bonus extras/collectables etc.  (Maybe it's just cuz I actually found this one on my own, I think putting them in that first empty nook would have been fine.)

Anyway, during level 2, after exhausting all my routes and still not finding anything, I just didn't feel like looking around anymore.  A couple of slips into water and I threw in the towel.

Having said that, it's an impressive entry for you first Jam.  Certainly a lot more complete feeling than any of mine or other first timers.  Very good presentation and use of the assets.

The weapons were cool.  The gold disc that ricocheted off walls was my favourite for how OP it was.  In a fuller version of the game, it would definitely need to be nerfed with low ammo/rarity. because once I go it, I avoided other throwables like the plague.

Maybe I'll give this one another go when I'm not feeling so sore. XD

EDIT:  Other niggles:

  • That second pit in the first level kept catching me off guard.  Again, if you're deliberately going for a difficult vibe it's fine, but having it in camera shot wouldn't be amiss.
  • The upper floor in the first level had a ceiling I wasn't expecting to be there, since it seemed like open sky.
  • Pressing X out of Pause should be negated so the player doesn't jump.  And pressing start to leave should work too.

Thank you for giving it a go and for the very valid feedback. After seeing others comments as well there is a lot I would of done differently and plan to change after the jam to make it a better. Hiding the double jump on the first level was definitely a flop on my part, I thought the pillars & the high ledge preventing to much backtrack would be enough to figure it out. I'm angry at myself for a few of the other dislikes you and others had as I questioned them too like the second level transition to the lower part of the cave. I know why you didn't find it as it has zero indication you can safely jump down except being the only drop in the level without water. 

I also made the mistake of creating the weapons when my intent was just a basic enemy that would pop up from the ground and keep coming at you (kinda like the zombies in G'nG) and die with one hit but I thought it wasn't enough and kept adding more. 

I didn't realize how OP the ring really was even with bosses but wanted to include it so I just nerfed the damage a bit but it still hits way to much. 

The camera issues were another bad choice on my part, 3/4 of the way in I decided to change the player character out and it screwed the camera tracking up and I wasn't able to figure it out so I just changed a few things around in the levels but should of brought some platforms up higher into view.

I can fix the ceiling issue but I think I'm going to completely redo the first level.

The jump after pause... again my fault, I had planned to fix it but was hit with a save corrupting bug at the same time and forgot about it.

Thank you again for the feedback, I'm sorry it was more frustrating than enjoyable.