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(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

here are clues to make solving the puzzles easier not a guide on how to "finish" the game.


1.The note mention's the time for both D2 and event elev.

2.The urls are real.

2.The Docs have hidden massages, look for glitches. dechiper understand correspondence.

5.The first c is actually for before activating the sequence. solve the equation, remember the Clock's sequence (Don't count the zero when solving.)

(3 edits)

also, there are report ids all over the game, they are like easter eggs try to Find em all.


I played this game because of your comment. Thank you!

The note mention the file destruction time.
The elevator guy ask for help in a text message which was sent at "11:53" and he asks to meet him NOW.