Ooh, I really like this one. It feels very different from other entries I've played so far. I could get lost in it forever (seriously, I can't tell if it's actually huge or if it just feels that way because of how open it is from the start, but it feels huge).
I mean this in the best way: the art is kind of ugly, but I also kind of love it. I get a kind of retro aesthetic from it when games had to be legible, not beautiful, and I really like it. (Please don't take this the wrong way; I sincerely apologize if it sounds like I'm bad-mouthing your art, because that's not my intention at all. I'm trying to describe a sort of janky vibe that I get from it, not calling the art itself janky. I do quite like the art, and a lot of the animations are especially well done, like the climbing!)
As others have mentioned, the biggest issue is the lack of direction. I played for a while, and I still had little idea what all I was doing. I will say, however, that even this I kind of didn't mind... like, I had fun running around and messing with things...? Sort of feels in the spirit of the exploration element of a Metroidvania, just ramped up to an extreme. I don't know, maybe I'm a weirdo, but I sometimes enjoy the feeling of being dropped in the deep end, haha.
Overall, super cool and super unique. I dig it big time. Great work.