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Meeting all the easter egg characters (references to my older games) gives you the Dracula outfit and infinite flight, if I remember correctly. There's a riddle with 5 clues that I posted previously.

Hello. I've just reached the very top, above the gun upgrade, and there's a winged figure who didn't give me anything. He mentions Vanesa, who I also visited earlier, but she didn't give me anything either. Can you tell me how many eggs there are with these characters? I will be very grateful



5 in total (Sunshine, Raccoon, Vanessa, Baron and Nadia)

Hello. Could you tell me how to get the remaining 3 eggs because I'm having trouble finding them. I don't want to spoil the fun of the game, so I'm just asking for tips because I've gone back to every place I've been to and I really don't know how to find them anymore.

  • Sunshine: The tunnel between the Water Tower and Waste Canal: if you make your way from the start point to the left wall without touching any grates, a new door will appear
  • Raccoon: secret path close to the main base, there's a building where invisible blocks appear when you jump into them from below which lets you climb up a building into a secret area.
  • Nadia: the misty cave, one of the long corridors has a fake wall on the left
  • Vanessa: In the sky area, you can get out of bounds on the right-hand side
  • Baron: in the grass dungeon in a secret room. Fake wall, path is marked with different blocks
Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for the tips.  Nevertheless, I will finish the game because I cannot find the remaining characters (so far I have only found the Baron, the Bat and Vanessa). I cannot get anything in the room with the characters in the capsules because the character in a separate capsule informs me that he is pole dancing.  I don't know how to start the passage without electrical damage, i.e. whether from the waste canals towards the Water Tower or vice versa to get Sunshine.  After entering the secret room near the truck, breaking the blocks that are all blue and going through the door, I fall down and after getting a little higher you have to make a very long jump, which is impossible.  I also don't know how to get to Nadia because I don't know where the misty land is

 I am very sorry and wish I could 100% complete this truly wonderful game.  So far, I'm only missing knowledge number 22, but you already explained that in another post.  I know how to get to Smitch and how to gain the latest knowledge, but there is no point in continuing this because it will not be satisfying for me.

 Thank you for all your help so far and your willingness to answer my questions because I know that the game is no longer new and is getting old, especially since I no longer see any interest from other players.  I know that you create other games and you don't have much time for your own affairs, let alone replying to my requests, so I express my great respect for your contribution to what you do and I wish you to achieve great success in what you strive for.

 Regards.  Arko

Hello Yal.

 Could you give me directions on how to get to Sunshine?  Well, I don't know when to avoid touching flashing light barriers in the subway.  Do I go towards the girls the first time I enter it or only after that?

 During the first meeting of the girls, right after the fall of the Water Tower and leading them through the first sewer, I sent out three blocks and a hidden wall connecting the second room with a weapon upgrade, I did not find knowledge number 22 anywhere. Is it only when I meet the girls for the second time, right after the subway?  do before

 So far I've found four eggs and I'm missing Sunshine

 Thanks for the help

 Regards, Arko

Hello Yal.

 Could you give me directions on how to get to Sunshine?  Well, I don't know when to avoid touching flashing light barriers in the subway.  Do I go towards the girls the first time I enter it or only after that?

 During the first meeting of the girls, right after the fall of the Water Tower and leading them through the first sewer, I sent out three blocks and a hidden wall connecting the second room with a weapon upgrade, I did not find knowledge number 22 anywhere. Is it only when I meet the girls for the second time, right after the subway?  do before

 So far I've found four eggs and I'm missing Sunshine

 Thanks for the help

 Regards, Arko

If you still haven't solved the puzzle, this is how to access Sunshine's secret room:

Hi Yal

 Thanks for the help and photos.

 As for knowledge no. 22, after breaking the blocks, I left the girls on the landing pad in front of the entrance to the building and went back on foot, where on the way I took knowledge no. 30, but knowledge no. 22 was not there

 I urgently asked you for help in finding this door because I couldn't find it even when I was crossing the subway without touching the flashing barriers. From the previous descriptions it follows that they will be revealed when I meet this condition.

 When it comes to riddles, I haven't found any so far apart from the hint in the mushroom room at the very top. So where and how many are these riddles?

 Even when I reach Vanesa, she mentions something about a riddle, but I don't know how to solve it

 Will the door to the Sunshine room be visible because I was there after dropping off the girls and you can't open the first one at the top on the left side and I checked the entire left and right side in this part and I didn't find the other door. Earlier, when I fell into this room from above, I entered the door which was open at the time, but I couldn't go any further because there were blocks that had to be broken with a weapon that I didn't have yet, because the shopkeeper gives it only after passing through all the mushroom ro

Hi Yal

 Thanks for the help and photos.

 As for knowledge no. 22, after breaking the blocks, I left the girls on the landing pad in front of the entrance to the building and went back on foot, where on the way I took knowledge no. 30, but knowledge no. 22 was not there

 I urgently asked you for help in finding this door because I couldn't find it even when I was crossing the subway without touching the flashing barriers.  From the previous descriptions it follows that they will be revealed when I meet this condition.

 When it comes to riddles, I haven't found any so far apart from the hint in the mushroom room at the very top. So where and how many are these riddles?

 Even when I reach Vanesa, she mentions something about a riddle, but I don't know how to solve it

 Will the door to the Sunshine room be visible because I was there after dropping off the girls and you can't open the first one at the top on the left side and I checked the entire left and right side in this part and I didn't find the other door.  Earlier, when I fell into this room from above, I entered the door which was open at the time, but I couldn't go any further because there were blocks that had to be broken with a weapon that I didn't have yet, because the shopkeeper gives it only after passing through all the mushroom rooms.

Hi Yal

 I know everything now. I found Sunshine and I now understand that I was unnecessarily walking around the subway avoiding flashing barriers, but that's how I understood the previous descriptions.

 The only thing that still intrigues me is the issue of puzzles, which I don't know how many there are and where

 If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have finished this game and I'm stubborn by nature.

 Thank you again for your tips and willingness to help

 If you could help with these puzzles, that would be great

 Regards. Arko

This hint is for a secret level, I have moved the entrance several times but it might be at the very end of the desert or hidden inside the truck.

Hello Yal

 I read all the posts from years ago and I know you mentioned something about this mysterious place.  So I decided to look for them

 However, if I fail, I will ask you for further instructions

 Thank you for your help so far.  You don't even know how much joy this game gives me, which is still in my first place out of all the other games I've ever played

 This is the only game to which I have devoted quite a few days and hours, which makes me feel better because even when I'm not playing, I still think about it.



 I want to ask why after getting all the yaks I don't have the Dracula costume. What am I doing wrong ?

Hi Yal I was here but the door was locked

Hello Yal.

Could you give me directions on how to get to Sunshine?  Well, I don't know when to avoid touching flashing light barriers in the subway.  Do I go towards the girls the first time I enter it or only after that?

During the first meeting of the girls, right after the fall of the Water Tower and leading them through the first sewer, I sent out three blocks and a hidden wall connecting the second room with a weapon upgrade, I did not find knowledge number 22 anywhere. Is it only when I meet the girls for the second time, right after the subway?  do before

So far I've found four eggs and I'm missing Sunshine

Thanks for the help

Regards, Ark


These are the exact locations:

Lore 22 (canal part 2)

Lore 30 (canal part 3)

 Apparently I was merciful and made them also spawn in Tomb Of Barukarubu (go left from the truck) if you miss them in the canal:

Sunshine's location is in this room, behind a fake wall: 

Deleted 351 days ago

Hello Yal.

Could you give me directions on how to get to Sunshine?  Well, I don't know when to avoid touching flashing light barriers in the subway.  Do I go towards the girls the first time I enter it or only after that?

During the first meeting of the girls, right after the fall of the Water Tower and leading them through the first sewer, I sent out three blocks and a hidden wall connecting the second room with a weapon upgrade, I did not find knowledge number 22 anywhere. Is it only when I meet the girls for the second time, right after the subway?  do before

So far I've found four eggs and I'm missing Sunshine

Thanks for the help

Regards, Ark


Specifically, what I mean is where exactly is the hidden room that is revealed when the flashing barrier does not touch me. I tried once to go through the entire subway on the left side and then on the right side without touching the barriers and no doors were revealed.  As far as I know, this is a condition for the door to be revealed and through which you can get to Sunshin


Is the order in getting eggs important


In the waste channel when moving the girls for the first time, lack of knowledge number 22

She is also absent during the second meeting

I also broke three blocks and read the message, but I didn't find knowledge number 22

Where did I go wron


There's a bug that Lore is not visible while in the Hovercopter, you need to return on foot after breaking the blocks.

(Otherwise, go to the desert location and check instead since there's no prerequisites?)