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I wanted to inform that every Saturday I work on sprites for my future title. That time will be used for this game instead. So know that development for it not stopped but going at snail's pace.

There are some rooms I was able to make for Shepherd's Household map.

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I'm happy with some news Lags... I'm curious to see LIZ.

Yes, but I might not place her in the truck like rest of the recruit because of lack of space. So the only time you will be able to interact with her will be at Teds' house or at her apartment map.

A LAGS idea... She could go with us instead of Tess's robot. We are also choosing Wendy's body to stay in the truck.


Hello LAGS, I feel about the Unity company, they want to improve the engine + they want to change the price, I sympathize that they answered you at the wrong time, or rather at the wrong time they decided to change or take up improving the Unity Engine, they saw competitors, for example Unreal Engine 5, also decided to keep up with them, and there were rumors that those who started or decided to complete their game project will work according to the old rules, but if they have already decided to create something new, new games will already work according to the new Unity rules, yes, I understand that you are used to the Unity Engine, and it is difficult for you to get used to it, I want to wish you GOOD LUCK in what you started and want to complete what you started, AND SUCCESS on the future project, THANK YOU FOR US YOU HAVE ENTERTAINMENT WITH SUCH AMAZING GAMES, FOR EXAMPLE, (Lustful Spirit Hunt --- it's just a great game, it's clear that you put your soul into this game and tried, Hailey's Treasure Adventure --- Great game, adventure, animation, coloring, COLLEGE BRAWL - - this game is just my respect, there are few games especially about boys, school, martial arts, especially against girls, keep up the good work,) DO NOT worry about the change, try new things, yes it is difficult, but at the beginning it is difficult to get used to the new engine, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING , especially for all the great games, but one game punished me - Lustful Spirit Hunt, it’s immediately clear that they put their whole soul into it.

Lucky for me they backtracked and increased the cap for now. I don't have to worry about porting games to different engine any more.

Happy for you, this is great news, your prayers have been answered