At the very least, I just want you to like play and enjoy the game. Don't mind the other stuff.
A noble feeling, and I will enjoy your titles to be sure!
But I also want to make sure I can support you directly, so that you can develop Falnarion 3 in full confidence and more than that, so that you can actually see proper reward for your efforts and for including queer romances in your stories <3
Even if the refund req is not taken up, I pledge I will acquire your titles on Steam come next sale, as hopefully I'll have the funds for it then too as now. Thank you for all you do! I mean that.
I appreciate that. By the way, I had to get a new paypal and everything is taken care of and back together.
On a side note: FT III has around 9 chapters finished already. (12 if you count the prologue chapters). FT III will have the most story chapters yet and I am not sure the total number of chapters yet. But, we will see. The EA build should come out sometime this month.