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Team Syukino

A member registered Sep 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

The game's story got moved to Falnarion Tactics III when it officially came out.

Oathbreaker is just an arena side game.

Kinda like how the story for Solenars Edge: Heroes is Solenars Edge Rebirth.

You are welcome and thank you!

(3 edits)

Exiori and Euclyca took around 2-3 years each to make and over 10 thousand dollars out of pocket each to fund which I just don't even have anymore. As nothing released has made nearly enough to fund it even if I had another kickstarter. I still couldn't afford to fund the rest of the money and I don't have the years to sacrifice to produce such titan titles. I appreciate that you have enjoyed the games as well. My last title that is upcoming will be The Judge as it's something I can do with what I have. If anything else gets uploaded to it is probably going to be a re-upload of an older game. I will say that if you haven't played my other games, you can still enjoy low budget experiences with decent stories. Not everyone is going to like or dislike the same things. But, it's worth a try.

The option to purchase existing titles will not be going away. I do not wish to rob people of experiences if they so choose to pay for them. If they are free games, download them. I know everything is tough right now, so hang in there and please buy when you are financially able. Video games should not come first, food, rent and other things should. Also, the thing about the vet, that's sweet to know there are people out there like me who think the same way. Thank you for the good luck and to you as well!

You are very welcome. I appreciate that you have been a loyal supporter. I wish that more people would have talked and said things before something like this happened. However, it is what it is now and I am glad that in my time making games. That I at least left a footprint on this planet and created memories for people to enjoy. Again, hopefully I get to release The Judge this year and that will be the last game. Please look forward to any upcoming sales in the future, especially the one happening right now if you want to show your friends.

I have already sent cease and desist letters to the admins of different websites. I appreciate that you have bought the game and I once again thank you for your loyalty. Making video games was never quite my dream, it was just something I ended up doing. I originally wanted to be a veterinarian as I love animals. However, I cannot bring myself to put them down. Anyways to quote Final Fantasy X "Someday the dream will end."

The last time I sold keys, someone tried to say that they didn't get theres even though they activated it. So I don't want do that sort of thing anymore. Also, the best you can do is report those links on those websites, report the people hosting those games of mine or anyone elses. That is how I got the illegal Fairy Tail game (Fairy Light) taken down. I went directly to the creator of the anime Fairy Tail and it eventually got taken down. I would suggest spreading the games of mine and others and sharing it with people. There are plenty of people out there who don't know the existence of my games. Take advantage of sales, always spread the word. I am also in the upcoming game; The Judge. Definitely putting a pirate criminal in there now because of this.

I appreciate loyal fans such as yourself because that is the very reason I started making games in the first place.


Half of it already is in the game and no the other stuff will just be added to it for free in an update. Hence forth the price hike.

Please add me via Steam or email so I can help you with your problem.

I can understand the confusion. I also have a game called Falnarion Tactics: Oathbreaker.

Regular Oathbreaker isn't my game. Exiori is my game. I do not have a discord server. You can contact me by email or adding me via Steam.

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu!

Happy Valentine's Day as well!

I don't fully understand what you're talking about. If you are referencing another RPG. There is nothing like that in this game. In order to get to the dragon by the way, you need to look around and down the stairs into the water. You traverse that area in more ways than one.

To start any side NSFW quests, you must first finish the Restoration World and go west of the Library located in Princess Yukami's Kingdom.

Well, everything is done mostly by one person. I've got a lot of projects on my hands. Maybe in the future when the series is repackaged without the NSFW, I can think of taking on a Mac version while I am going through the game removing the NSFW content for the PG version.

But, that is so down in the list of priorities right now, I cannot give you anymore information than that. Sorry.

Again, it's just the trailer. I lost the guy who made the trailers sadly so it's hard to get one these days.

But, fret not, the game is finished and should be available before 2024.

Thank you~

Please note: Some edits need to be made before this update is fully playable. For the time being, the download is down temporarily. When everything is fixed and up and running again. A new announcement will be made. Thank you for your patience!

Thank you! I will be uploading the build soon!

I appreciate that. By the way, I had to get a new paypal and everything is taken care of and back together.

On a side note: FT III has around 9 chapters finished already. (12 if you count the prologue chapters). FT III will have the most story chapters yet and I am not sure the total number of chapters yet. But, we will see. The EA build should come out sometime this month.

At the very least, I just want you to like play and enjoy the game. Don't mind the other stuff.

I actually didn't fix the payment issues. I advise everyone to purchase off of steam at this time because I do not get anything via right now. But, I am glad you got it to work.

You're welcome.

Unfortunately, my paypal has just been shut down recently due to several issues. I have to set up stripe as the payment processor on I have yet to do that at this time. Yes, Steam is preferred at this time.

Glad you are excited for it!

Sure do! Please contact the email:

Any chance you wanna have any of my characters from my tactics games in your game as a cameo? Since you're using the same program and all, it might be easy. Maybe it can be a very unique unit.

If you're interested in something such as that, please let me know!

Not all of the games have NSFW content. But, Exiori definitely does. All the NSFW content is 100 percent optional and can be bypassed without having to interact with it at all one bit. I hope you enjoy the games when you play them!

Lol, start searching.

(1 edit)

Edit: The guide is updated on Steam and the fix is up on the Halloween Update. Enjoy~

Also, I just assumed you were stuck before Nerfelo Tower, but you never told me where you were stuck at. Either way, check the updated guide for help. Happy Halloween.

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I am not sure if you can carry over your save files on unfortunately. I know that on Steam, that stuff carries over automatically. If inside of your game folder, there is a save file, then look for it and try and copy and paste that folder from your old project to the new. On, there is no server to update it into, so there may be a possibility of having to start over on updates.  Personally, if you mind that, I would hold off until the game is completed to do it all in one go. But, if you're able to re do things quicker, then it may be easier for you to play again. I hope that you are able to transfer your files over, but I am not sure that this was the case for Euclyca. Early access games on 3rd party websites can be a bit weird especially with limited programs. I'll probably implement a chapter selection system in the future, so that people who lose their saves can go back to them or if they want, to skip ahead.

Thank you for your words of encouragement~

I look forward to bringing people chapter 4. One of the other reasons that this chapter is taking a bit. Is that it features not one, but two other worlds from my other works. Although brief, it needs to be a specific way and have all the side characters. (Which, all the characters are accounted for now, but they took time to gather).

Thank you, I will be trying to get chapter 4 completed asap. I work on it a bit almost every day. Please have a wonderful day and I appreciate that there are people out there like you who are waiting patiently for Exiori. That's why I make games, for fans like you. I appreciate you.

You unlock random encounters in certain areas when you reach Bineal in Chapter 1. Also, yeah. I hope to bring out more content to this game asap! Glad you enjoy it~

(1 edit)

Edit: The gallery was added in v0.5, before the Halloween Update. It's in the developer room. Also, the game gets a bit easier the more you play. Just equip as soon as possible and level up a bit when you can.

Team Syukino is alive and is still a curator as well as a developer. The game is still being worked on to this day and will be released in the future.

Production times may be a bit slower than before due to several life changes, but the game will still come out. Chapter 3 is expected to come out around next month.