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(2 edits) (+4)

Please, I beg you, simplify all these packs and titles and links and codes and subscriptions. You are making it impossible for people who are new to your game to figure out what we are supposed to do to buy it.

I saw the game through a post from someone I follow on Patreon. It linked to your Patreon page and it has taken me 40 minutes to figure out what you are selling, where to buy it, and at what price. The Patreon showed me 14 tiers with so many version numbers, and exceptions, and emojis, and exclamation points that I just gave and and went to the other links to try and figure it out.

Then I clicked the link to this in the hopes of finding a price; Only to find a disclaimer which said that I can't buy the game here because of an issue that is being worked on. Which, judging from the comments, has apparently been here for 3 months already. Followed by a list of multiple packs that are available which took me another 5 minutes to read. Then followed by a detailed guide telling me you can't actually buy the game here. You can buy a code that you then have to use on Gumroad for a 100% discount.

Then I went to your Gumroad and saw literally 322 separate products. With no clear indications which ones were complete or up to date or what most of them even where. After trying to figure that out for 10 minutes, I finally noticed these Episodes are also split into multiple parts that you can buy independently. Why are those still there if the Episode is complete? Who tihinks: "Oh yes, please give me only the first 30 minutes of a Visual Novel". You are selling a game, not a cable package. I almost bought 1 part because I thought it was the entire first episode.

And after all that, I finally found what I think is the price for the full game (untill Episode 3 comes out I guess), almost $50 dollars if you include tax (which you should).

And I still have not figured out if there is a demo, because the things that are labeled as "DEMO" on the Gumroad are paid content.

All the information needed seems to be there but is is so jumbled and unorganized that it is nearly impossible to understand. Please simplify all of this, I do not want to look at 322 products, 4 websites, 14 patreon tiers and mutiple pages of text and explanations just so I can know the price of a game I want to buy.


Hello, Namenotrecognised! 

I hope you're fine. Thank you for taking your time for writing and for your detailed explanation and really sorry for the inconvenience and confusion it may caused. Nothing is further from our intention in this matter.

Game is not a demo. But episode02 is not yet completed. We're releasing new updates regularly with new content, so that is the reason you can see different versions of the game. Latest one is episode02 v.2.18.

Episode02 does not include episode01 at the moment.

We had a non solved problem with payments so we have to work with our gumroad from now.

Please, let me answer your questions one by one:

In our patreon we have 14 different levels: (very briefly)

-Baby ninja, $1, for support and get updates and demos;

-Kid ninja, $3, basically for downloading games: episode1 and episode2 (this one up to version 2.14 at the moment); and some albums;

-Cat ninja, $5, for episode2, 2.15 version, for now;

-Snake, $10, for episode2, 2.17;

-Eagle, $14, for the latest version of episode2, which is 2.18 for now;

-Wolf, $19, for 1 day early access and extra content;

-Bear, $29, for 2 days early access, normal walktrhoughs, etc;

-Tiger, $39, for 3 days "", walktrhoughs for experts, etc;

-Shark, $49, for 4 days "", easter eggs, etc;

-Raptor, $59, secret scenes:

-Thunder, $99, extra content, Bonus scenes and customized content;

-Pegasus, $129, Deleted Scenes, more extra and customized content;

-Master, $199, Customized mini scene that will appear in the game;

-Monster, $299, Customized full scene;

Gumroad codes:

We use Gumroad since, we can't use MEGA and Patreon only allow us to upload games up to 2GB while our games are over 8GB. Codes are there to get a 100% discount when you proceed with a download so that you are not paying twice.

Links to gumroad and SPECIAL OFFERS between and Gumroad:

Since we have an issue with payments, we have no choice but working together between Gumroad and for now until it is solved.

These are those offer links at the moment:

BUNDLE 1: ($29.95)

Episode01 (different versions and ports) + full walkthrough + Fashion Album;


BUNDLE 2: ($29.95)

Episode02 v2.18 + full walktrhough + Hot Album;


MEGA BUNDLE: ($39.95)



I hope everything is clearer now. I would like to appreciate your comment. I will pass it to the person in charge in order to improve our tier level section and offer information so that it can be better and more understandable. Thanks again! :)



Visionwars Team.