Cool game, I really like the graphics and audio especially, but I do have some complaints.
1) Space being dash and W being jump is weird. I feel like having space as jump and left shift as dash is much more common.
2) I didn't really get the crossing paths part of it, did I miss something?
3) It felt like it was missing something. The mechanics were really basic, aside from the timer feature (which was really cool btw). Just your standard movement jump and dash, with the obstacles being the bottom of the map, sawblades, and some crumbling platforms. I feel like the game really could've used a unique mechanic or obstacle to really spice things up.
Over though, it was a fun game. I really liked the idea of the song timer, and the art and graphics are really impressive. I thought you got it all from an asset store originally; I had to check the game page to figure out it was all you, so nice work on that.