What if you let everything print?
I got really far but didn't want to ruin my saturday so I quit. It was really painful. I guess that'll remain a mystery forever
HAHAHAHA, I asked because I started and left after 3 hours. I'm sorry for ruining part of ur day.
Nah its a joke, I was just chillin at home. Left that on standby. I guess it still crashes. Ask robin the dev
Haha, well some people already tried and... nothing happens
I mean nothing special happens if you let the printer prints all the 1485746 papers
like what
it still crashes like when you press cancel?!
damn that anticlimatic. you should add a special ending. that'd be cool
(just a sugesstion no pressure)
Actually we did not expect that some players would wait for this long xDSeeing that some of you are actually patient enough... if someday we release a second game we'll keep that in mind :)
niceee when's that coming out. can we get a sneak peek?