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Hey man, I loved your game and I ussually don't write comments, but I really hope you succeed so I decided to write one. I know this is a long comment but hopefully it will be helpful.

Bugs: I didin't notice a lot of bugs, but when you start a new game after a playthrough, your money and some of the progress (new futon) are still there. Going though the various options (after pressing esc) you go straight back to the game, and not to the previous options screen (I'm not sure if thats a bug but it was a bit annoying) . Again might not be a bug, but while looking at a pic, often the dialog box covers part of the image, so it would be great if you could press 'H' and hide the dialog box to see the whole image.

Game feedback: The game lacks a lot of feedback. The jobs only show how much money you made at the end of the day. I know you did this on purpose, but it would be nice to make an informed decision with all of the info. At first I was confused by the whole stress system, until I found out that stress has to be low for you to be able to do things. It would have been nice to know that from the start. Also it would be nice to see how much stress you will get or lose if you do certain things. So for instance I'm still not sure if reading manga reduces, increases or even affects stress level. In addition, on my first play through I coudn't figure out that there is a way to get to the job board (idk what its called) until I saw one of the charicters get there. Since the game is in 3D it's hard to see that there is actual gap there and you could get to the board. I only saw the whole info page on relationships and stress after I have completed the entire game and decided to press escape. It would be nice if the player had a journal of some type where he would see relationship progression and if the stress level would be visible at all times. Finally, when you start to play the game there is a lot of random interaction points with nothing showing what they do. So it would be nice to see some text, when you apprach something like: "Milk Vending Machine". Or a "Relaxing chair" or "[Charicters Name] room".

Gameplay: I LOVED IT! As I said before this is an amazing game with an amazing potential. I like that you get some relationship points everytime you interact with an NPC. You are not locked out of content if you mess up which I really appreciate that. I would love to see the game mechanics more interact with the content. So doing maintenance or cleaning could unlock new content. For instance after 3 maintenance you could notice a hole in the stalls. Then buy a camera and do another 3 maintenance to install it.  While cleaning you could stumble upon some panties that you decide to jack off or to steal. Personally I loved the game mechanic in Summertime saga where you can steal panties of various girls. Its a minor addition that extends the game for players like me who want to get the most out of the game. Currently, the game sometimes feels a bit too empty. To make the world more immersive you could also add small repeating events. For instance it was really hot to walk in on one of the girls changing. I know that there is a girl whose whole event is based on this and it progresses her story. But you could do similar scenes of accidentaly going in while girls are changing before the steam bath. This doesn't have to influence the story. It could just influence their opinion of you or do nothing at all as these things happen accidentaly, The girls don't have to be nude, they could be in their underwear, towel or showing some sideboob. So to actually see them naked you would have to progress the story. It would be hot and it would break up the monotony of constantly going to take a bath to releave stress. The events should also be short and rare so the players wouldn't get bored seeing the same thing over and over again. They should be just a small random reward to keep the players dopamine levels up. A few quick ideas for repeating events: 

  • seeing girls drenched in water after getting back inside after a rainy day
  • walking in on girls changing in their rooms, they could shut the door so you don't get to see much
  • girls bend down to pick something up in random locations
  • They trip and fall so that their skirt lifts up and you can see their panties
  • At night you can spy on sleeping girls or hear them masturbating

That sort of thing. Again, this is my preferences and I'm sure you can come up with more interesting ideas, but some random repeating events would be a great addition.

Visuals: The visuals are amazing! I think that one of the more important things in porn games is the art and you nailed it. I love the chill vibe and appreciate that you actually put music in the game, which a lot of games don't. It would be nice to have a gallery. Maybe a player could buy a camera and unlock the gallery that way, but I digress. Anyway the key takeaway is to keep doing the same amazing art!

Sex/Porn Story: I'm more of a fan of slow burner games so take what a say with a grain of salt. The story is really Porn like. You do favors for the girls so they sudenly want to fuck you. One girl shows you cameras and then sits on the toilets waiting for you to fuck her. I mean this is kind of funny, super unrealistic and just straight out of a porno. I don't mind if thats what you're going for and at the end of the day this is a porn game. I'm not saying that the game has to be story heavy, I like that the dialog is short, yet there are interesting characters and the game doen't take itself too seriously. It's just that the porn is kind of out of nowhere. It doesn't feel well incorporated into the game. You're not really developing relationships with the charicters. The sex scenes themselves are great, but they do seem a bit random.

Random points: After spying on one of the charicters in the bath, I thought that it would unlock a spying spot so I've spent some time walking around but I was mistaken. It would be hot if that was the case, though I am aware that the MC didn't want to spy so it makes sense that it's not an option. I personally love voyeur so I would love to see more content in that direction. I love that the map is not too big, personally I hate these massive empty worlds. When you keep the world quite small its easier to populate it with content. Minigames while cleaning or doing maintenance would be fun, but I'm sure that its not everyone's cup of tea and it does add some additional work to game development. On a second playthrough I decided to follow hints and some of them seemed vague. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not but If I didn't know what to do I would have been very confused. This is a small thing but the improved bed price is annoying. It could just be 4000 and not 3998. For some reason that bothered me lol. Since the maintenance and cleaning doesn not influence gameplay in any way apart from money (as far as I know), there is no reason for you to do cleaning, as it always gives less money.

Anyway, take everything with a grain of salt. This is a great game and it's still in early development so I'm sure it will only get better. I do plan on supporting you on Patreon, once I get my finances in order. You earned yourself a true fan. Hope to see more updates. Cheers!

P.s. sorry for any mistakes or incoherent sentences, english is not my first language

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello! First of all, thanks for playing and liking it so much that you wrote such a long and constructive comment! Let me address it point by point :D

Bugs: I'm aware of the new game save file problem, I noticed it recently and I'll change it for next version hopefully! About closing all menus, it was deliberate since I didn't want to press escape two times. I will end up doing a poll, to see which way the majority prefers it! I don't mind changing it if enough people want it that way.
About hiding dialogue, you are right that it's a bother. Right now pressing the Tab button does exactly what you want (it goes from hiding text only, to hiding sprites and text, and back to default), but I don't indicate it anywhere so I'll do that.

Game feedback: I agree about feedback! To address your comments about stress and money, I'm thinking the best solution would be to display a small popup that shows exactly the stats affected. Another user requested if the player could change the tasks for the day after when going to sleep, and I think it's a great idea, so might do that.
About the menu on escape, there's a small icon on the tutorial sheet when starting the game precisely because someone before didn't know about it haha I suppose I could force the players to press Escape when the tutorial sheet shows up. The stress level showing up at all times could be an option, but I feel it would distract too much. Another option would be to show up the stress visuals just when it's altered.
The text about what's the interaction about is a good idea!

Gameplay: Thank you!! I hate branching games because I want to do all content in one save file. Some people will dislike it, but I have strong opinions about it haha And yeah more interactions will come for sure. The cleaning and maintenance were just introduced last update, so it was more of a "base" to work on from now on. I like your suggestions about slowly progressing towards something in those scenes.
I agree that the world is empty right now, but that's a consequence of having been doing this for just a few months now, and not a design choice. I want to expand everything, this is not the game I wanted when I started making it, but it's getting there with every update. Surprising characters while they are doing their own things, more repeatable events, more varied schedules, more things in general, trust me, I also want that! I like the suggestions, so I'll write them down :D

Visuals: The next current thing I'm working on is the gallery, since before it didn't make any sense since the game basically had no content. Now there's not much either, but I've received a couple of requests about it so that's happening for this update :) I appreciate the kind words.

Sex/Porn Story: This is very porno like because this is more based on doujins than on any other piece of media. I started the game because I wanted to see some free roaming pixel sex game. When I start reading hentai, if by page 20 there's no sex, I'm usually bored by then. I base characters from hentais I like, I'm not really trying to make some narrative driven game. To me the main point is sex and different sexual things I want to explore, and the narrative to me is just how to get there. Doujin artists starting sex on page 5 with little to no context, or the stupidest plot? That's what I like XD So this is a design thing, I'm sorry this is not what you wanted.

Random points: I also like voyeur! Again, some things you mention are just that I haven't implemented them yet because it's really early in development. About minigames, I'm not against them, I like coding and design, but I'm sure a lot of people would be bothered by them. This again could be something to revisit in the future in the form of polls or something.
About the world, I'm sad to inform you that I want to expand it haha But I'm doing it slowly, working towards having the current areas with enough things to do and characters around, and with the new areas introducing new characters and events. The hints being vague is also a design choice. If I left exactly what to do, it would feel more like a wiki.
Also about cleaning and maintenance, if you don't do them, the stats can get low enough that it affects the mood of the current residents.
And having the price be 3998 is because I knew it would bother people heh.

Thanks a lot for such a nice and thoughtful comment! Took me a while but well worth it! While I will always greatly appreciate Patreon support, please take into consideration what I've said on certain things (stupid porno plot (and more maddening 3998 price tags)), since I don't want you to be disappointed. Anyhow, thank you.
This is not yet a good game, or even a game to be honest, but I do plan to keep doing it one way or the other, mainly because I'm obsessed with it. I work solo on this and take feedback seriously. For example, you mentioned music, and the first release back in May 30, the game didn't have any, until someone pointed it out and I agreed, so I added it. I just need time.

P.s. english is not my first language either :