wow , thats active, keeping a tight eye and replying the same day yourself, i must say i have been nothing but impressed and the way the game uses the 1mb format (like EOB, the scene-release) opens up vast possibilities (including in my dreams games surpassing the 10 disk 1,8 mb format of some ultimas) by using crt images as floppies and a floppy to save (just dreaming)
I read you write lite novels and short stories too so i dont have to guess who did the storyboard and the directing heheh and to hear you are already on briley 2 fills my 64 with joy ... as always as i ask anyone on and off scene, (thanks for everything but) dont rush it plz, just release when ready so its the best possible experience.
Thanks in advance (and retrospective) for all the hard work, i enjoy a blast of neutron now and then too but since im a finish-the-gamer more than a run-with the packer i wont get to the zetawings until i killed neutron first (a nice projcet too for a 16kb .crt compo)
You truly have some mad skills. Im really looking forward to more witchsoft (and smokey !!)
(and thanks for the really fast reply - quality CS you wont get from crotter hahah) have a nice day !!