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(1 edit) (+3)

What I liked:

The art is incredible, and its an impressive amount and quality of work done during the course of a game jam.

The music is very good and very evocative of the gameboy. 

The player controls are responsive and well tuned.

The mindflayer enemies (the ones who cancel projectiles) are a great challenge and force the player to interact with the idea of riccocheting projectiles.

What could be done better:

It often felt arbitrary what I could walk through, and what I couldn't. Backgrounds and foreground (geometry / platforms / walls) can be hard to distinguish, so I would try to run from an enemy past a pair of pillars, and one would not block my path and the other would. 

I appreciate the challenge of needing to use the bounce of projectiles rather than shoot straight, but enemies often move so fast that you are not able to hit them without taking damage in return. Other than the mindflayer enemy the projectiles felt more like an impediment than a help. Enemy design in general could use another pass.

The flashing of the projectile doesn't make it more visible, it just makes it harder to see half the time. When in its "dark mode" I would often lose track of it. 

Also, there is a crash if you go from the first screen with the werewolf back to the fist screen. 

I hope this doesn't come across as too harsh. I love the concept and the aesthetics are incredibly strong, but the gameplay just needs some refinement.


Thank you for the detailed feedback! We definitely ran up close to the deadline and had to make some tough choices about what to improve and what to leave as is. Hopefully we'll have some time to tweak some things post-jam.


Believe me, I know how that goes, I had to do the same. I think there is something very solid to further iterate on here :)