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Galloway Games

A member registered Sep 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for all the kind words!

Thank you! Good ideas all around - frankly, I think the number one thing the gameplay style needs to work perfectly is a bigger screen, haha.

Thanks for playing! We'd have loved to have had a bit more time to really fine-tune the levels to make the most of the mechanic, for sure.

Thank you!

Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for playing! We think the bouncing projectile idea has a lot of potential for sure - we barely scratched the surface of it here.

Thank you!

Thanks for checking it out! The camera lerp definitely wasn't ideal, but we opted to keep it in the interest of time, as we had more critical gameplay issues to iron out in the short time we had.

Thank you! Camera was definitely a tough thing to get right - we felt it needed to look in front of the player to account for the small screen size and the need to be able to see ahead of you to line up the projectile properly, but the smoothing solution we opted for was definitely imperfect. If only we had more time!

Thank you! So would we, haha.

Unique idea, with solid puzzles and funny narrative framing. I think the tractor beam could stand to be a little faster, and the rotation a little slower - you have to be super precise and careful with rotation, but the beam ends up taking a very long time to pull things in once you have a clear path. The main challenge with speeding it up I could see being how you also have to use it to move things laterally, but maybe there could be adjustable speed settings?

Fun game! I like the movement a lot, really fast but very responsive when you want to slow down and change direction. A lot of good attention to detail, like not letting thought bubbles that spawn over you collide with you right away. The only thing I think would be nice to have is some visual indication for how far your focus blast goes.

Thank you! In case you weren't aware, the space bar is just one option for jumping (mostly for the WASD control scheme). You can also play the game with the arrow keys and Z/X if that's your preference, or a gamepad!

Cute game! I appreciate the attention given to UI and options - it's easy to leave out options when you're on a tight deadline, but they can really enhance how polished the game feels. Love the border!

Very well made and clever. I think it could have used more music and possibly some aesthetic variation every couple of levels or so, but what's there is solid and works well for the gameplay.

(1 edit)

One of my favorites I've played so far. You get a ton of mileage out of the mechanic and it feels great, awesome work!

I do think I got permanently stuck in a room on the left side - there's a spot where you need to place an anchor down to pick up a fuse, but if you die before you get to the fuse, the anchor spawns somewhere you can't get back to, if you got the checkpoint right after it (the room that you need to be holding the anchor to protect your head from the spikes). I'm sure this would be an easy thing to fix.

I am extremely bad at this, but am very impressed by the presentation and polish. Great work.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for playing! Really appreciate it :)

Thank you for the feedback and for playing! Yes, it was a lot of fun working on it!

Thanks a lot for playing, we really appreciate it!

Thanks a lot for the suggestions and for playing!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Thanks a lot for playing! Glad you enjoyed the enemy designs!

Really appreciate it, thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Glad you had fun with it!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Thanks a lot for playing!

Very cool and extremely polished game. The nature of the resolution/perspective can make it tough to tell whether or not you'll take damage sometimes, but the challenge still feels mostly fair. Overall looks and feels great.

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Funnily enough, as the person who wrote most of the music, I've never played a Castlevania game! Obviously the rest of the team was heavily inspired by Castlevania for this, though, so I tried to write the kind of music that I imagined Castlevania games must have, with a bit of my own personal taste thrown in, haha. Glad to hear I was pretty close! Maybe I'll finally play SotN now...

Thanks for playing!

(2 edits)

Thank you! Very high praise, glad the game resonated with you so much.

I wouldn't say we ever considered working with real hardware, since we wanted to use whatever software we were most comfortable with in order to get things done quickly (this was built in GameMaker), but we did wonder how much of the game would be possible, especially considering the detailed art and animations. We mostly assumed it would be way too much, so it's cool that you think it could maybe be done.

Really enjoyed the cutscenes and the GB Zelda-style inventory. The systems are there, I would work on improving the feel of the movement/combat if you continue developing this!

Love the cutscene art, extremely expressive. And this is probably my favorite interpretation of the "space" theme so far, hahaha.

Yeah, the music bug is a huge bummer. It shouldn't happen if you don't revisit previous areas, and I at least think it's less common on the web build on the main page (at least, I've never had it happen to me there). 

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There's a bug in the Windows build where music that is supposed to fade out stacks on top of the previous track. There's a web build up on the main page that doesn't have the bug as far as I'm aware, but it also shouldn't happen if you don't go back to previously visited areas. Thanks for playing!

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Very fun to see the numbers grow as you collect milk and upgrade. Moment to moment gameplay could be better - I think a big thing that would help is having less acceleration/deceleration on the ship, as it's very hard to maneuver right now and change course if you see any clusters of milk that aren't directly in the path you're moving. A more wide view of the field with smaller assets may also make it easier to see the optimal paths.

Addicting game! The description says arrow keys should work for movement, but they didn't for me in either the web or Windows build. Main thing I'd like to see is a better scoring system, maybe one that rewards faster progression as opposed to the amount of barrels you jumped over. As it is right now, the goal of getting to the end and the goal of scoring points seem a bit at odds with each other.

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Simple game but executed well! I think the platforming/jumping could use a little more tweaks if you plan on working on it further, and I do think some of the assets aren't in the correct resolution. Even though I don't think the theme is implemented much in the game, I loved the loop of collecting the packages and bringing them back to the van a few at a time. Good work!

Fun and unique game. I like the vibe that the visuals and music give. I think having the one hit kill is a little harsh but good work overall!

Fun little game, good work! I would recommend increasing the player's speed a little bit if you plan on expanding it further!