i’ve played this for a while and this some really great stuff!! Good job :]
I do have some additions/ideas i’d like to see though, some of which you might have already heard about:
-addinational passive sounds when Ebony has inflated (eg. Creacking, sloshing, gurgles etc) would be nice. Maybe even different sounds for fattened and bloated states
-there should be more of a difference between fattening and bloating. I fail to see too much of a difference beyond the slightly chubbier cheeks
-i think the max size should be upped considerably. Its alright currently, but i think a fair bit bigger for all states would be fun (maybe max size capacity could even be a thing to work towards)
-some gameplay tweaks, like writing-client waypoints or making it so you could work towards multiple insights at the same time, perhaps
still though, its EASILY my favorite expansion game right now, and i see great potential in the project. Keep it up! :]