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A member registered Oct 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm really sorry for the late reply!!  It's been a bit of a hectic week for me >.<;

I'm very happy to hear you've enjoyed the game so far and see potential in it!

I've already noted down some ideas to improve the navigation back to the original paper giver (mainly thinking of being able to select a finished paper to get an arrow pointing to them), so that's definitely on the way!

I've also had people tell me how unclear the chat minigames are after having been away from the game for a while, so I definitely am looking into making more/better prompts for them to make it more obvious what to do/a smoother experience in general.  I will look into trying to make the meaning of the colors of the chat options more clear as well!

I am looking into making the mood depletion a bit more fair by changing how it happens (most likely a fixed amount per bystander that applies if you stay in their vision for too long).  I don't think I'll be adding an into it option, since that does take away from the story I want to tell ^^:

Ohh dear, I'll definitely look into what I can do about the camera's jerkiness if that's potentially causing motion sickness! >.<;

Oh yeah, I definitely have been wanting to add toggleable farting into the game, just hadn't had the opportunity to do it properly yet (but hopefully I should fairly soon!) lol

Thank you for the feedback!!  I hopefully will be able to put it into practice well enough 🙏

I'm really sorry for the very late reply! >.<;;

I'm afraid changing out the playable character doesn't really fit with what I'm going for with the story, although it is an interesting idea with the different stats so I'll think on it ^^

I'm still hard at work on it, thank you very very much for your patience!! 🙏 I don't have an eta on any public update yet still but the mesh system I've been working on since late last year is very nearly about to be finished, so I should be able to announce something about that fairly soon if things go well (especially since that system should enable much easier development on clothes and hopefully improve appearance as well)

I'm very sorry I don't have anything more concrete to share! >.<;

Thank you so much, I'm so very happy to hear you really love the addition of the other girls in this version and particularly the ability to control their shape! (technically they were introduced and inflatable in the previous build, but this does adds the ability to dictate their shape better) ^^

I actually do have plans to add different ways to deflate the girls that have different tradeoffs (including thinking of popping as a way to end it easy and early but with some sort of damage as a result; not sure I'll make it be them getting embarrassed tho because avoiding that would be part of the reason to take the risk I would think), so I'm definitely going to be trying to find a way to put that in!

I have been thinking of adding certain items like "cursed" amulets that can have inflating effects (mainly to be an unlockable cheat code to get friends to inflate much more readily in chats, but you have got me thinking of other things they can be for), so potions could be a type of cheat code esque item for that ^^  You've certainly got me thinking about different ways to have some bonus unlockables to play with the inflation, so we shall see!

Thank you very kindly for the ideas, I do think they'll be helpful in figuring out some nice additions to the game~ ^^

I definitely do want to add a lot of different outfits when I can!  I only haven't been able to because the way the clothes need to work with the inflation makes each new clothing item extremely laborious to make (in fact, I'm working on some tech rn that should make that process much much easier and carefree, so hopefully it will make the outfits come out much faster ^^)

Sorry for the late reply, has been a busy new years ^^;
I definitely plan on making proper display icons/models to replace the cubes at some point!  I just hadn't been able to get around to it yet lol ^^;

We'll have to see about adding textures to the hair, but I do want to have textures on the clothes which I hope I can do fairly soon!

That's very curious, I've not had anything like that reported so far.  Can you recall anything about exactly what you were doing before the jamming happens?

What specific stats are being blocked by the dialog options?  As far as I know, there's only the relationship level up top that could possibly be blocked.  Could you share a screenshot or picture if possible?

Unfortunately there isn't any way to delete the zero scores, but if you get enough Love Tokens you can try to boost their scores all at once so they're not totally useless ^^;

Thank you very much!  I'm so glad you're enjoying it so well~  I definitely don't plan on stopping anytime soon! ^^

I have noted that it can take an extra move (like wall jumps/bounces) or two to get it started compared with earlier, so maybe you're not doing enough wall jumps/runs at the beginning (do note that although you get a speed boost from just wall running without jumping, it wont register as a trick unless you actively jump off the wall, even if you end up sliding off)?  That might be why it's not starting the combo, but I don't know if that would explain not being able to get any points at all during with the cubes.   Do keep in mind that not absolutely every move will continue a combo (the system mainly looks at the moves that make the multiplier go up, not simply ones like simple jumps that only add score), though that was also true of the previous build so that likely isn't what you're running into. 

I'll have to try to look into it, though I don't have a clue where to start since no one else has run into such an issue before ^^;;

1. Getting disoriented happens if you either do a mid-air stunt too soon after having just done one, if you touch the ground/a wall too soon after doing one, OR if you do another stunt in the same input direction (i.e. irrespective of where Ebony actually is facing) as the previous stunt you did.

2. Ahh, I must have been a bit too deft at getting away from them to notice that it's still possible to get stunlocked, I'll have to try to fix the stun window ^^;  it is the very first implementation, so I definitely will be ironing things out with them as time goes on ^^

3. I'll look into that, but it could also be a misread of the timer as well, as it would not have been there for very long before being yanked back after losing!

4. What specific stats are you referring to?  The ones above or the bar below?  What is the aspect ratio of your screen as well? (can I also get a screenshot/photo of what you see too if possible?)  I've had one other person trying to play the game on a Surface Pro 7 (3:2 screen!) and was very caught off guard by the fact that PCs/laptops with anything less that 16:9 are still made somehow, so if your screen has an unusual aspect ratio that might unfortunately be what's causing elements to be moved over each other >.<;  I'll try to rejig the menus to be a bit more flexible when I can, which I really should have tried to do earlier but just didn't think it'd be so much of a problem on PC

Thank you! I'm glad you like it~ ^^

They will only spawn at random times of the day (though they are guaranteed to spawn at lunch time), so you will need to make the clock run for a bit (mainly by collecting Insight tokens throughout the map)
The crop top can only be bought for Ebony for now, as I still need to fix up the meshes for the other girls ^^;

I'm really glad you're enjoying your time with the game!

-I do definitely want to add more sounds to her inflation, including having different sounds for when she's fatty or bloated!  Like with a lot of other polish like that, I hadn't had the time just yet to get around to adding those, but I do very much hope to add them in due time ^^
-Due to the randomization of the shapes, fattening does end up chosing smaller values for the fatty features (especially the love-handles); I'm looking into correcting it so that it will give higher values more often or at least will have a minimum value
-Unfortunately upping the max sizes is completely untenable at this stage; it's already difficult to work with the mesh as it is, and adding the additional morph shapes required to get the clothes in particular to work with larger sizes will just make it near unusably difficult to do anything with >.<
-I will try to keep these in mind when improving the gameplay as I expand the game further! ^^

I very much appreciate the feedback, so thank you so much for taking the time to play the game and compile your thoughts about it! ^^

Very sorry for the late reply! >.<;;

I'd be very flattered for my game to be featured in a presentation like that, so I'd definitely be interested! ^^

I'm so very elated that you really like the platforming mechanics, especially to the point of not only finding them so unique but also to the point of even just moving around for the fun of it!  ^^

I definitely do want to take a proper look at the clarity issues of where to go and general navigation in the map(s) when I get the chance to do so;  other difficulties with the games' design had been taking priority so far, but I should hopefully be able to address them soon enough!  but to be more specific:

1. I do agree an arrow would be helpful, though I have hesitated on that due to being not immediately sure of how to handle cases where the player has multiple papers finished (which is a definite real possibility with how the game is structured and is likely to come into play much more often in future with my plans) since then it becomes unclear where the player should really be directed.  Pointing to the nearest one would probably suffice, but I want to be careful about making sure the solution is elegant and robust for future additions.  Their names are displayed both on the papers and on the dialog box, so for now it is possible to probe around ^^;

2. I do agree that the minimum values should probably be more clear.  I thought I set the values so low that people wouldn't get tokens with such low scoring for it to matter, but it's becoming increasingly clear that that's not the case.  I probably will just remove the minimum score requirement entirely at this point, but I want to give it more thought when I have the space to do so

3. I will continue to carefully monitor the navigation issues, but I'm still putting more thought the exact implementation will really solve the problems (I am also thinking of reworking the way the buildings are built, which will likely make them more distinct and harder to blend in with eachother)

4. I do have an arrow programmed to appear when coming back to the hubmap when it's bedtime (specifically when the clock reaches the bed symbol near the top before hitting the end of the full rotation).  If the arrow isn't appearing for you during that time, I'll have to try to investigate that as a bug.  The reason for the separate map is indeed to act as a hub for other maps in the future; I've just been unable to build them yet due each map proving to take a mountainous amount of energy and time to build and I'm prioritizing getting more fundamentals sorted so I don't have to exponentially rebuild already costly maps whenever/if ever something changes before certain things are set in stone properly ^^;

I hope that answers your concerns at least a little bit ^^;  I do thank you for the feedback regardless!

I'm glad to hear you'll be happy with at least that then! ^^

I'm afraid I don't have any intention to have explicit nudity in the game ^^;
Though do want to add button popping and belt popping into the game once I'm able

I don't know how easy it would be but I could certainly try! ^^

I'm so glad you're liking the game so much better now! ^^

1. I have noticed after a while that it can be easy to lose track of them sometimes myself;  I'll definitely take a look at remedying this at some point

2. I had noticed that it can be easy to get stuck at larger sizes especially with the belly bouncing around, but hadn't had the space to address it due to needing to settle the rest of the social mechanics.  I do have some movement mechanic tweaks that I have in mind that might end up making it much less of an issue, but regardless of that I will be looking into that ^^

3. I'm happy to hear that spherical has changed from useless to even the most useful!  I may well end up having to rebalance some parts of the system as a result soon enough lol.

4. The mealtimes are actually noted on the clock face with symbols/markings; they're not super clear, but there's one for breakfast, lunch, and then dinner, which will each trigger the hunger when the clock hand reaches them ^^

5. I had ended up neglecting adding that for a while now;  I'll definitely try to put it in much sooner now!

6. I have noted more and more for a while now that it is pretty cumbersome;  I do plan to do some movement refinements soon so I'll try to see what I can come up with to make it less annoying.

7. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on what I can do to make rolling the friends smoother ^^   The embarrassment was put in place as a sort of stopgap solution to get the ball rolling with the friends inflating and then needing to be escorted;  I definitely will be making a much better interaction(s) in the near future when I can! ^^

Thank you very much for all the feedback!  It'll definitely be very useful to help guide the refinements to the game~

I'm so happy you're loving it so!  I will try to add a save feature at some point soon, especially when it becomes more relevant with the characters relationship levels having a proper impact on the gameplay ^^

I'll think about it! ^^

The size of the expansion does generally correlate with the inflation potential amount, but it doesn't guarantee spherical after a certain point.  It only forces spherical if you get even bigger beyond a certain point when you're already inflated ^^

I would like to try to add it at some point, but I can't guarantee it will be there in V4 ^^;

Of course!  The whole point of the game is to be a tale about a girl trying to cope with an inflation curse, so it's always going to be central to the game ^^

I am still working on the game, things have just gone a bit unexpectedly slow with a certain part of what I've got planned, but everything else is going well with it ^^

I'm glad you like the game ^^

Making Ebony get taller during butt expansion would be technically complex to achieve ^^;   I personally don't think it'd really make much sense in a game mainly about expansion

Awww, thank you very kindly;  I really do appreciate the support! ^^

I'm glad you're loving the game so! xD

I do hope to add clothing options at some point, though I wont be adding any nudity, sorry ^^;

It's coming along pretty well!  I should hopefully be able to show something about it soon enough ^^

I'm definitely wanting to add that at some point!

Thank you!  I do hope I'll be able to make this into a full and proper game some day ^^

That could definitely be a good way to incorporate a blueberry into the game! ^^

After collecting one of the cubes, you'll be tasked with doing platforming move combos to try to get as high a score as possible for it;  then you can open the writing menu to write to make money using the items you've collected by doing the aformentioned score challenges ^^

Thanks for getting back to me! ^^

That makes sense that the spherical feels that way at the moment, it is a lot harder to get the hang of, though it is possible to wall jump like normal if you charge the jump long enough and release close to a wall but not too close to the ground, which can get you a lot of speed that can earn you a massive number of points if done (though again it is a bit tricky to get the hang of).  I'll definitely need to add in more tutorials once things are more settled ^^;

1. I'll definitely be considering adding a more outward visual indicator of the state of the shops so you don't have to check (or some way to get the opening times otherwise)

2. I am going to be replacing the cubes with more unique custom models for each once I'm able to get the chance to make them ^^

3. I'm definitely considering adding a trick button like that, especially since it could be fun to see how she tries to do them when inflated in various ways xD

Also, could you explain what you mean by "deflation is mandatory now with how the game is played?" ^^;

I don't really understand how any of the changes to the gameplay would make being inflated significantly harder than previously?  Is it the new movement system/movesets (I made the inflation movesets have similar capabilities (lateral and vertical wall jumping especially) now, including spherical)?  Is it the way that money is made now?

I'm glad you're enjoying the game a lot despite its still slightly rough state ^^

Hopefully now that more of the game's design is worked out I can put out updates a fair bit more frequently! ^^

I apologise for some parts of the game still being more obtuse than I anticipated ^^;

You can go to near where you spawned in the city to return to the hubmap where you can find the door to her house to sleep (it's on the other side of the building behind you when you first spawn when starting the game).

The lack of money might be to do with not having fulfilled the "requirements" on the left.  You can still make money without them, but you get significantly less.  I'm revamping this system in the next version to fix the lack of clarity there in addition to other things about it.

I'll definitely try to address the clarity issues with nighttime and sleeping in the next build, especially as it does intersect with the gameplay changes/additions I'm working on

Once again I apologize for how obtuse it is, it sort of slipped my mind while I was working on the core gameplay systems ^^;

I do hear everyone's pain about the deflation minigame, and I am looking into changing it to work differently (possibly as a random timed button sequence) so it doesn't appear as buggy (though I've been prioritizing nailing down more fundamental gameplay aspects/systems first, which I'll explain why shortly).  There is a bit of a fundamental issue with it in the design side that's not so trivial to fix and that is the fact that I don't want the deflation to be too easy to do straight away as I want the experience to be having to deal with the inflation as and when it comes, which being able to deflate too soon and/or too easily ends up working against, since you'd be able to too easily just deflate to only have to experience your favorite moveset without consequnce/risk.  So because I've still been hammering away at fundamentals of the game's overall structure, I've decided to leave the deflation be (although partly because I keep forgetting about too because never feel the need to use it myself even in long sessions) until some parts of gameplay are figured out so I can properly slot in all the different ways to deflate without fear of them not fitting into the game (I am already getting pretty near to another milestone for that, so it hopefully wont be that much longer until I can properly address the deflation mechanics).  I do understand that this isn't really the most satisfactory explanation on what's going on with the deflation minigame, but hopefully you'll understand a bit of why it's taken so long to fix ^^;

Yes it is, it will be coming on around the 23rd ^^

I am considering having something like the current job gameplay become some sort of minigame in the future, like she takes on the job for a day or two ^^