Release 43.2
Sometimes Zaria's boost just stops working. Well, I think what's actually happening is that every instance of her boost acts as if she is at level 1 regardless of her actual level**. I don't know specifically what causes it, but it seems to happen when you introduce a party member whose ability conflicts with hers (like nav) and then remove said party member. This issue is only fixed by powering up Zaria.
Sometimes at very high depths, your party members (including the player character) won't target enemies previously marked "don't kill" at all* (regardless of their hp). This makes them incredibly slow to kill, as you HAVE to use m2 special attacks. This doesn't happen all the time, so it may actually just be a result of a battle taking too long. This is almost unavoidable if you actually go for the all drills achievement.
Disabling the fuck permit still allows characters to fuck each other. The only way to prevent that is to individually edit each character's relationships with the permit tweaker. This actually has gameplay effects in the case of Oriana.
Pose unlocks for characters don't show up when unlocking them a second time after powering them up. Also, powering up a character removes their penis, even if they are male.
It is possible to buy a tile type even if you are already on a tile with that property. Doing this achieves absolutely nothing while giving the player the illusion of progress.
*Edit: This actually seems to apply even when enemies aren't marked "dont kill." Maybe it's specifically something that happens to the last enemy left alive after the clusterfuck of resources spawned from the second to last enemy. If it helps, I've only had this happen for the shades and once with a blue variant of an existing enemy (I think it was the polar bear)
*Edit2: I'm certain of this now: If an enemy's current hp is too high, your allies will not recognize it as alive and will avoid attacking it. I imagine this is due to an integer overflow. It is incredibly disruptive at high depths.
**edit3: I recently had this happen except she copied the level of Oriana who was in my third slot. That is, I had +93% chests while Zaria was level 99 and oriana was level 62.