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Good question, I probably should have thought this through before suggesting it.  LOL

I'd say you have your game set up to demonstrate the controls:
First one is obvious to me, jump over gap.  LOL
Second one is also obvious, jump over game, jump over spike, etc.
The third one is where I couldn't quite get a handle on the controls.  I cannot tell how to make the jump go further, even a running jump doesn't get me there.  So I assume it's the other button but when I use it I am shot straight up and then above the area I started even if I'm half way over the middle area.  Likely I'm just not getting that button or there's another way I'm supposed to proceed that I'm not thinking of.  All I can think of is maybe on the first levels where you introduce a mechanic have a box above the play area that says "use foo to do bar" etc.  Or in the very least maybe a video that goes through the basic mechanics?  Though having tutorials in game is nice, so you could embed a video or if not a video you could animate the ship moving demonstrating each mechanic and have a control overlay showing which buttons were pressed and when.

Again, I might be complicating this and I'm missing a basic movement mechanic.  LOL  Especially since no one else seemed to comment on this.  Maybe have someone who hasn't played it before play it and you watch them and talk to them about what they think is going on?  I'm probably just missing something as keyboard/mouse aren't my normal input controls for games.


Ah, ok I figured out the next mechanic finally.  LOL  It wasn't obvious to me but now I get it.  Just had to play with it a bit longer.  I didn't quite get what the a button as doing until I decided to just jump off the ledge and then later press it.  So once I have an understanding of this mechanic I was able to figure out the other levels.  Maybe just a little bit better description of what the other dimension was doing would have helped without a tutorial.