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I apologize for coming in rudely, you seem levelheaded. I just ran in because I saw a fellow dev being- Hmm, I don't know, put down, I guess. It's just difficult with the whole fanbase and everything and expectations to release. 

I understand your point, about games taking money from people but I came in so hard because I know DN isn't one of those people, he worked every day on his game even when he hated the shit, I would know because I've played it and seen his progress since a few months back. And I felt it was disrespectful in a sense to loop him in with the other scammers or bad devs who do take money from people.  

I just don't understand that out of the people, scammers, etc. Why you would comment on his, when he has been showing the progress, giving constant updates in his discord, showing off gameplay and animations, etc. Especially when he juggles 3d animating, with what is extremely hard to do, along with the godot coding needed to make this game even functional

No, it's not normal at all for someone to threaten you or your family, People on here are a bit unhinged with these games, threatning to hurt you or your family isn't something that should've ever happened over on online disagreement. I apologize for those people as well as my own attitude coming in.

 You seem like a cool guy, if you'd like to talk my discord- Blam_ez_cool

Or you can find me through the discord in my games bio. Have a nice night man