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A topic by Wolfe Verikuu created Sep 20, 2023 Views: 2,595 Replies: 44
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why is this here if its not even out? Seriously itch needs to start requiring people to upload at least a demo when they create a page for a creation.


Hello , if you don't know making games can be both expensive and time consuming. This page was made as a way to receive community feedback and give everyone something to look forward too. This game is something I've always wanted to make, and I want other people to enjoy it. That's why I'm taking my time, I want this game to be good for you. 

I don't believe should have a requirement of a demo before creating a page because that's just stupid. Most indie projects have pages before a demo. So I'm sorry that you can't play the game, maybe try playing any of the other games like this. 

I suggest giving this one a shot

Now please stfu and stop winning because you can't play a game 


And how about you actually develop a game and stop complaining when people call you out on shit? If this is how you act before you even do any work I expect you'll be as much a failure of a dev as you parents were at raising you


Ooooh wow, I'm so sorry you think that. Maybe try making something of yourself, it would be a good thing to do. You know, make something, do something good. Try recycling or planting trees. Anything other than complaining. I'm working, my life is busy, clearly you have time, so do something with it, please?


I do. I work 2 jobs, have a garden, on top of having a few decent selling books. How bout you stop lazing around asking for success from nothing and actual release something? Oh wait you can't without a fan base singing your praises before you even will. And even then you don't come up with your own idea but rip off 4 other games.


yap god


I've been working on the game for months now, and you clearly have some issues, so I'ma let you do your thing. Just stop acting like you're doing some heroic or some shit, you're just being rude.


Actually I was pointing out that itch Needs posting requirements now that so many devs have been taking money and not finishing their projects. Your the one who came in spitting insults right and left. All I did was return vitriol with vitriol doubling the amount i recieved before sending it back.So if anyone has issues its you for assuming. Also months? Then how the hell do you not have a working demo? Btw if you expect to make it in the game dev business my reactions to your responses are fairly tame from what it can be. Especially with you making a parody game that may others have made as well.



(2 edits) (+5)(-2)

God, can you both stop being so proud? You're both right! The demo is necessary to keep people interested, but it's also not worth fighting over, creating completely unnecessary conflict over what is essentially a game that hasn't even been released. I think you both should admit without sarcasm that each other is right, apologize and understand that others also have things to do in real life, not all of us are Julius Caesars who can do 3 things at once. Perhaps the developers work on pure enthusiasm and may not even take money (in the beginning). On the other hand, the fact that in such a game (and even in 3D) there is such a plug with this and without the demo, thanks to which people could feel what they should expect and whether they would expect it. In any case, if the game does not live up to expectations, you will be criticized. . .

Wulf Werikuu - You're putting too much pressure on them, but it just shows how much you're looking forward to this game. But we all just need to be patient. I would also like to see what kind of books these are; can you describe and name them?

MyDumbName - You succumbed to criticism too quickly and began to criticize more aggressively. This means that you get little rest and it’s difficult for you to work on your game, I understand, everyone understands. But you have to do something about the fact that everyone forgets about your game and the fact that everyone who is interested is running out of patience. And this dialogue is proof of that. And it's not just the lack of a demo version.

Here - - Dats Vanni.

Here - - dariusoko.

These two noble people released demo versions of their games and people liked them, they know the wrapper and filling of the work. Those whose expectations were not met were excluded. The rest praise and wait for updates (yeah, I specifically took fnaf porn indie games for a more accurate example).

I advise you to follow their example.

I have an idea. As my buddy Wolf Veriku and I say, not having at least a demo version only makes things worse.

How about we finish the remaining details and release a demo version soon? Or do you have some specific good reason not to do this?

PS Sorry for the bad English, it's not my native language. Besides, by releasing a demo, you can relax a little and get to work with a clear, rested head.


You're right man. Your English was pretty good btw. I don't really mind if people forget about my game though, it was just meant to be a fun project but it has gotten too big. I don't want to release a demo because it's not good enough as is, and my actual life is full of work and I don't even have the time anymore, but I really want to keep working. Anyways, I'll probably be taking a break for awhile, thanks for helping getting my head straight, seriously thank you.


Sorry I just realized I missed one of your questions: "How about we finish the remaining details and release a demo version soon? Or do you have some specific good reason not to do this?"

Unfortchantely it isn't as easy as I'd like it to be, I still want to make another scene, which involves writing, animation, and making sure it fits the story. And I just don't currently have the time for it, my life is really busy currently. I try my best to work on it, but it's a lot of work. I'm sorry. I still want to make sure the game is good too, I really don't wanna let you all down.


The books are unfortunately self published in paperback in my hometown using my grandparents book binder. If you can find a copy let me know cause they made it a lot farther then I thought since I only know of 5 cities in about 100 miles (160 km for those across the pond) radius  that keep em in stock. The Blood Moon legacy. Bout an elemental shaman working a farm. (Not to be confused with blood legacy, a  cultivation novel i found out exist from others who have asked in the past XD it also started my wuxia phase after I read it to make sure I didn't accidentally steal someone's idea) As for the argument ill admit it got out of hand. Though that's more cause I'm A big believer in returning what you receive twofold. Kindness for kindness, insults for insults, broken limbs for broken limbs. It was originally started because I've noticed a trend of devs taking money and not finishing projects and here was a recommended one that didn't even have a demo or anything but a link to discord. So I mentioned that itch needs to have a requirement of a demo for a page to be created as assurance that you would get something. No insults (originally) until the dev came in pitching a fit and insulting me. I won't stand for that especially when I didn't start with anything insulting. It felt like brining up a topic just to be punched in that face for speaking. Your English is fine. Its a hard language for native speakers let alone someone trying to learn it. Especially with different slang and sayings depending on where you live changing the meaning of something.


Okay, I understand what the problem is. Unfortunately, we will not be able to verify the authenticity of the existence of the books, because... I'm from another country, but I found Blood Moon Legacy by A.D. Ryan online.

If it's her, give me a sign.

I understand too. your philosophy is quite fair.

Personally, I have one nuance - *HUMAN FACTOR*.

The fact is that anger begets anger, and cruelty, in turn, begets cruelty. There's no denying that you got angry in response, but you can't respond with aggression that early.

After all, you spoil the mood of others, and first of all, yourself.

Personally, I wait for the person to calm down and try to have a constructive dialogue because... Maybe the person is nice and just having a bad day. But if he doesn’t calm down, then I either leave him or answer the aggressor and he gets a boomerang 3 or 4 times more than from him. Also, the insult is exaggerated, but I can't deny that MyDumbName lost his temper a little, it's understandable - stress, fatigue, busy schedule and missing days off. At first I thought your comment was harsh and the strong reaction was justified. But after re-reading, I realized that this was not so, and MyDumbName start first. This is what our mutual pal MyDumbName says (you may have already read) that he will not be releasing a demo under any circumstances and will be taking a break. MyDumbName respects his players and fans, he will not shove a piece of unfinished code and an unfinished project into the hands of the player, and we must reciprocate his feelings. At least don't judge him for it.


Anyone who dislikes all comments is not funny.


agreed, you're probably the only reasonable voice here 


Whats actually funny is the fact I haven't been XD. That's all on others. I've just been responding to people.




How is that an l? Your getting down voted by your fan base without my help. Even if I'm getting more of em it goes to show that some of em agree with me. Especially since you have admitted you won't be finishing this project of yours.

Developer (1 edit) (+3)

I'm not going to continue arguing with you anymore. Please leave me alone


says the guy who keeps replying. What happened to not having time to dev? Also look who suddenly released a demo after saying it wasn't near ready.


Stop antagonizing people. This conversation has devolved into childish banter. Move on with your life.


Agreed, this has just stupefied


It devolved into childish banter the moment the dev started insulting. At this point ill stop when their either banned from the site. Or the site itself is shut down. Whichever comes first.


And instead of acting like an adult you're electing to continue going down this path of childish impulses? What satisfaction do you get out of this? What does acting out against a single person or the site achieve? You're not contributing to anything with these actions, you're not moving anyone or any business with this. Stop it, it's boorish and you should be embarrassed to knowingly continue while asking for unrealistic expectations.


Im asking for basic quality control. Also I dont see you telling the same thing to the dev who started with the childish behavior. 


I banned him, he won't stop


Please don't start this shit again. In "Sad people can't wait for anything". This is almost below this topic. 

The author noted that Demo release it today.

And what does “L” really mean?)


I will not, don't worry.

L is a kind of way to say loser


Its them insulting and calling names yet again. I really don't see why people are supporting this guy when his first reaction to critique is insulting the other person. Especially now that their abandoning their project.

Developer (1 edit) (+7)

I'm not abandoning the game, I'm taking a break from it because of people like you. Those who turned my fun hobby into a miserable experience. I know for a fact you saw there was no game and started this whole thing thinking I was some kind of thief, but you never bothered to actually look into it. You're just taking a glance and assuming the worse, so please for the love of God stop this crusade. There's nothing to be earned nor achieved. Leave me alone. 


my guy you're arguing with a porn creator because you couldn't beat ya meat to robots again 

you make it sound like calling people L is childish even though you were again complaining about being unable to beat ya meat you impatientretard

(1 edit) (-3)

It had nothing to do with it being a porn game asshole. Not once did I mention that. Apparently someone has dicks on the mind. My arguments were about the fact the page had no demo... on a site that is in the middle of developers dropping projects and wasting the space, and the fact that the devs first response to criticism was insults. While ill admit the argument got out of hand, I still stand by the fact that itch should have a rule requiring demos. Preferably with updates within a certain timeframe to stay on the site until the game is out of development. That last one is unlikely however. Also you entering a clearly over argument with insults and facts unrelated to the mentioned argument, directed at a person who clearly returns vitriol with vitriol says a lot about your comprehension abilities. Actually as I type that I realize if that's the case I should use smaller words. I wasn't going to come back to this argument considering it was over but oblivion take us someone had to come in with more insults then even I threw out. Including a few that might get ya banned from the site with today's pc culture.


Yo, game creator here. Chill out with it, I know you probably didn't mean for this to get this out of hand but there are a multitude of games on the site that don't have demos or anything playable out, it's like a landing page for devs to update people on their project. I would know that because I am a dev and have done the same thing, regardless, DN has steadily been working on the game, coming onto his page with all this negativity isn't helping anyone when he basically makes the game by himself.
Now you were obviously interested in the game because you clicked on it, It is an online site, there are a bunch of troll games and troll pages with viruses and nothing on it. Dn has been constantly updating his followers on the game, his page isn't a waste of space in the sea of abandoned, dropped, and not even worked on projects. 

I doubt you've even touched something like game developing nor have you experienced how stressful it is with hundreds/ most likely thousands  of people who are actually interested,  dming you, asking when it'll release, dropping hate because it hasn't released, and then people like you dropping these comments for no reason. 

You're still here responding to people on the internet with such articulate responses which leads me to believe that you don't have anything better to do, even if you work this seems like it takes precedent, now, what you could've done was send a positive message the small game team's way but you didn't think of that. Anyway, I hope you have a good day, please, try to spread some positivity somewhere, because you damn sure didn't do it here. 


I did not intend for it to get out of hand at all. It is because of said other games wasting space on the site I'm getting tired of seeing em. Especially when they take money without having even so much as a demo. While this dev did give one eventually after shutting down patreon payments till they come back a lot of em don't. it is one of the reasons I believe that such requirements are needed. I understand the advertising and update aspect however unlike preordering a game (to use your example) there is no guarantees of a project, refund if said project fails or worse was fake, or really any repercussions at all for taking the money and running. By requiring a demo at least those who spend money would get something if the dev decides to stop. The only other option that i foresee stopping this would be to ban other methods of the dev gaining money for the project except through itch itself with severe consequences. I see major backlash for this decision though hence the preference for the demo method. I do agree. I don't have any game programming experience, though I have written storylines and various quest info for a friends jrpg and its sequel. I don't believe that counts though. As for my intense response the person earlier today it was because they brought up facts unrelated to the argument entirely based on their own assumption without any facts to back it up. I could care less about the porn aspect. I was following for the fact they plan to make it with major focus on the originals gameplay mechanics, the fact they planned on it being free, and the fact that itch suggested it based on another dev I liked whose taste In games I trust. Not to mention the insults they brought to the argument suggest ableist, sanist, and/or Eugenics beliefs that are a step too far even for me. I am not pissed at the dev (mainly their responses but we have both accepted we went to far.) I even left the conversation without responding to many of the people trying to goad me back and get me banned again. Including a rather racist bigot who recognized my name on a message board and went far enough to receive an ip ban over there over this. I've even tried to at least explain my reasoning using logic instead of emotions and people still assume I'm being rude still. Maybe my phrasing off? Thoughts for later. As for the free time thing. My jobs require me to finish whatever I'm working on before I can go on break. The means my breaks can be at anytime of day except when I'm asleep... which also changes based on the project deadline. I load on to itch to check updates on the games I follow and see I got replies which I read even if I don't respond. this post wasn't even intended as an insult or criticism originally, but a genuine question considering what's Been going on on itch. I only responded so rudely after said question got nothing but insults from the dev. So I do apologize for how bad it got. Btw why do people think death threats are an appropriate go to for this topic? I've gotten a few from people hunting me down on other sites including a rather graphic one including what they would do to my nephew over my corpse.


I apologize for coming in rudely, you seem levelheaded. I just ran in because I saw a fellow dev being- Hmm, I don't know, put down, I guess. It's just difficult with the whole fanbase and everything and expectations to release. 

I understand your point, about games taking money from people but I came in so hard because I know DN isn't one of those people, he worked every day on his game even when he hated the shit, I would know because I've played it and seen his progress since a few months back. And I felt it was disrespectful in a sense to loop him in with the other scammers or bad devs who do take money from people.  

I just don't understand that out of the people, scammers, etc. Why you would comment on his, when he has been showing the progress, giving constant updates in his discord, showing off gameplay and animations, etc. Especially when he juggles 3d animating, with what is extremely hard to do, along with the godot coding needed to make this game even functional

No, it's not normal at all for someone to threaten you or your family, People on here are a bit unhinged with these games, threatning to hurt you or your family isn't something that should've ever happened over on online disagreement. I apologize for those people as well as my own attitude coming in.

 You seem like a cool guy, if you'd like to talk my discord- Blam_ez_cool

Or you can find me through the discord in my games bio. Have a nice night man


The point is that you're still complaining about a game not being out which is ironically a porn game also let me point out the fact you called me a asshole so you're now being hypocritical but anyways it's like you've never heard of people pre ordering games and then waiting to play said games which is what this page is kinda like and also your entire rant about a empty page is fucking pointless like I read the first part and that's all I needed to know but stop throwing a pussy fit because you're unable to beat your meat to toy bunny 

You're definitely not a admin so the page won't get banned for not yet including a game or demo to it yet

And I'm pretty sure I've seen some middle schoolers with a higher IQ than you

(1 edit) (+2)

here's my take on all this......vitriol. keep in mind i don't comment on these sites all but its just so bad here that i think people need a wake up call. 

1. wolfe...dude. i get your anger about devs just basically taking money and sitting on their bums but...unless you actually donated then why are YOU upset? I hate bum devs as much as you but like, its not worth to get as angry when you are not being affected.  Heres my take...if a dev is making a game yet does not recive and compensation meaning no patreon, no donations, no paying for the game no anything...then thats a personal passion project. because are doing it on your own time and dime. if they ARE accepting donations and what not then it turns into a public passion project. others are helping to make the game a reality so they have all the right to complain and give criticism.  it seems that lately people have been stroking off devs far too much even when they do nothing and attacking the ones who do it as an actual personal project. but in the end its just not worth it to attack someone you didn't even give your money to. so id say step back and breath. not saying you are wrong but still...chill.

edit: read some more and at least wolfe admitted their mistakes multiple times and got a lil less aggressive.  dunno why yall keep downvoting em.

2. as for the got serious anger issues man. the other guy kinda brought up good points even if he was over reacting a little. it seemed like you were trying to be nice in your first reply then got hostile at the end for no good reason. i get it hate comments can be demotivating but criticism is not hate comments. if you ask for money before even having a demo...thats weird but its still ok in my eyes. but at that point you gotta realise that it isnt personal anymore. its kinda like having investors. you dont expect to go to your investors after 3 years and say you are just not in the right headspace or something and expect them to bend over for you after giving hundreds upon hundreds of dollars. people are just tired of fake devs. i really.....really hope you are not a fake bum dev but the way you've been acting...not the best look. you kinda calm down after a while then go back a few days later to attack and ban the same guy? at that point you are the problem. take this advice and learn to control your emotions better. we all understand things take time and money....but dont act higher than thou because you are a dev. we dont live forever and people are giving up money for your idea. its not a one way street. both parties must understand and respect the others time (and money) and thus...position and feelings. so please...just try to clear your head and calm down and expect to be criticized and learn how to actually learn from it. wishing ya the best.

3. its hip to fuck robots.


About robots so true .


...I uhm...not really sure what happened here.

Is everyone ok? they are not