The Berserker situation is intentional. You can't predict what their Attack or Defense will be as they're randomized moment to moment.
The Blink spell I'm aware, too... might consider changing it, but I'll have to think about it... it's pretty overpowered for its cost as is, and a 1 in 3600 chance that it returns you to your starting point at least compensates a little for that.
The Another Face in the Crowd thing is news to me. I'm checking out the code based on this report and I can't see any way that could happen. I'll keep an eye open, but it literally leaves the increaseracialhatred() function via a return command before increasing hatred when it kicks in, so I'm not sure how it could happen. OH... unless the monster had multiple monster types. A were-rat, as an example, is a Person/Animal, so it could pass the Another Face in the Crowd check for the Person half, but not the Animal half or vice-versa (in which case it would still benefit you, of course). Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'm not sure if I want to change it or not, but am very, very swamped as I head toward a release in the next week or two and am trying to wrap up all loose ends as is...
AND congrats on the victory as the Human Paladin :)