Hi. I am 14 and I really like math, and due to that, over the years I have been drawn to programming. I have stated programming in python twice and left (doing console game dev had so many limitations I thought I can't cross, and it was discouraging me). About half a year ago I started programming in javascript using p5.js, and now I am using processing. I might leave processing soon and start programming in pure java.
This is my second game jam, and I am really proud that this time my game might not look especially nice, but it doesn't look horrible. It was really fun. I came up with the idea after thinking that I could make a Chess game where there is only one type of pieces, then moving on to the player choosing to change the type of the pieces every couple of turns. I remembered that sometimes in real Chess, when a Pawn is moved to the last row, you won't choose a Queen but a Knight, because of the positions. I then decided to change it so that every couple of turns you can choose one piece and change it. I explain how I balance it in the itch.io page. I am currently developing a better version with better graphics, with AI, much better AI, keyboard control and much more, including some balancing.
Anyways, here's my game: https://nitai99.itch.io/twisty-chess.
I really regret not putting in a way to know in how many turns you can change a piece. I did that already for the better version and it didn't take me a long time at all.
Going to play your game soon.