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That`s Boring

A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

I attempted to include a marker when you mouse over objects but ran out of time! I'm glad the sphere resonated with you somewhat though

Hey there! This thread is not only about self promotion, but also about about you. Please tell us a little bit about you and/or your game!

I’m also really into game dev atm, but my studies Will always take priority and that prohibits me from really committing to developing games. I do have a lot of other passions too though! I love art in all forms, though I’m primarily a traditional artist, and I have a passion for nature. I’m really opinionated and wanted too become a politician for a while when I was like 11

Fantastic game! I love the art and simple concept, great job! Putting the scope too high at first is a mistake I often commit myself, but you managed the situation. I hope you reach your goals and that I can check out that magnum opus of yours in the future!

Hey friend! This thread is about telling something about yourself and/or your game, not only Self promo

hey! Would love it if you could play my game. Feedback is always greatly appreciated.


Great concept in your game! Really unique

Really fun game! Although pretty stressful. You’ve done a great job on the art, your wife must be proud. Too bad she couldn’t join in this time, but there’s always next year

Yeah one of my biggest problems is that I usually come up with a small game idea that soon snowballs into something way too big. That’s why this game jam has been so good for me; I had to keep it small and simple or I wouldn’t have enough time to finish

Played and rated! 

Return the favour: https://thats-boring.itch.io/enoc

Fantastic game friend! Hard as balls at first but I got a hang of it after a while. The idea is so original, really good job. Eight games in six months to me is crazy. I’ve been working in unity for about two years but only completed ONE game

Really great game! The concept, story, sound and art are all fantastic. If I understood your post right You didn’t participate in last years jam, what prohibited you?

Superb game! The whole aesthetic is really great. Having knowledge and interests in both art and programming must be really useful for you as a dev

Love it! The mechanics and feel of your game are awesome. You say you’ve been making games since nine years old, how did you get into game dev so early and what did you work in engine wise?

Fun game! Deserves more attention for sure, i like the pixelart and concept a lot. Wasteland is a classic

Your game is cool and has potential for sure! Your story is very inspiring and I urge you to continue chasing the dream. I believe in you friend! 

Super cool game, but I’m sure you know that already with your heaps of reviews and continued development. I’m really looking forward to where this game could go in the future! It’s interesting with friends like that, I have one myself, it’s like you go your separate ways but eventually you find each other again and everything is just like it’s always been

My brother’s coming over soon, I’ll play your game with him then! Physical jams really intimidate me.. would you recommend going to any?

Thank you for sharing friend! PE teaching has to be exhausting in more ways then one, game dev must be more fun ;)

Cool game, reminds me of my own with the jumping cube! But this thread is about telling something about you and/or your game, there are plenty other threads for only advertising :)

I love your game! Nice art and feels polished. It’s nice that you have such an interesting dynamic in the group, Though I imagine it can be both a blessing and a curse hah

Damn hard game, but I like it! I used to love urban legends but I’m more in to true crime nowadays.

Cool game! I like the concept. Power outs and such are always fun.. I have construction near my house and sometimes my WiFi stops working because they’ve disturbed something. I’m lucky I wasn’t effected during the jam

Lovely game with good mechanics! I’ll make sure to pick up that book, game design literature is something I’ve been meaning to get in to. One of the best things with this jam for me has been the energy from all these developers, it’s really inspiring

good 3D art is really hard to get done quickly; for a jam simple shapes are probably wiser. If you’re interested in learning more about blender I’d recommend the usual big dogs Blender guru and cg cookie, but also a smaller channel called CGmatter

Yeah I planned to address the jerky enemies but in the end I simply didn’t have time. Thank you for your review!

Cool game! And hey, what’s so great about art is that it really is a learning experience, and a fun one at that. I’m really glad you found this jam such a good experience. we all feel like imposters sometimes. It’s hard to see your own value, but rest assured, everyone has something  to bring to the table. If others can’t see that, that’s a them-problem, not yours. It’s great you found a group that can assure you in your worth, people like that are the best kind

Thank you for your feedback! I’ll consider these things in the future

I really like the spin attack, and I can tell you’re an artist. It’s so great that we have access to all these fantastic tutorials on YouTube. I suppose you’ve seen some of Brackeys videos? Really great for newbie programmers. Have you done any 3D modelling? I’ve really gotten into Blender (amazing 3D modelling program) these last two years and would highly recommend it if you don’t know about it already

a rating and review would be greatly appreciated <3


Would really appreciate if you checked my game out! I’ll get to yours in a bit :)


That’s fantastic that you came up with an idea that you could finish in such a short time and also make really fun! A good puzzle game for sure. Fun to have the jam start at such a convenient time!

I’ve already played and rated! Really impressive for such a short time and I love the concept. Time off for you is participating in a game jam? That differs quite a bit from my idea of time off, but I suppose that as an employed game designer you’re used to working day and night hah

Cool seeing a story driven game here! I know it takes a long time to write and you’ve done a great job. You say you’ve studied space? That’s amazing! What lead you to peruse that education?

I’ll probably take you up on that! cheers!

Love the concept you’ve got going. Once I got it I GOT it and it was really enjoyable. I’m really glad you enjoy this thread! I had a good time reading your post and I hope you can snag that dream job as soon as possible. The whole winning thing is quite hard to achieve... we gotta keep in mind that there’s almost always someone smarter, more experienced and luckier than we are, but your mindset seems really good. I personally take this as a learning experience, Enoc being my first ever finished game. Really, I’m just proud of myself for actually completing the challenge!

I'll make sure to visit!

Really nice! thanks!

Hell yes! What great mechanics, seriously cool