Oh, I'm really happy about <span class="gmail-hiddenSpellError" <that<="" span="">that, I'</span>m going to play the Steam version first. But I will do <span class="gmail-hiddenSpellError" <the<="" span="">the runs</span> on an original NES. An important question, are <span class="gmail-hiddenSpellError" <there<="" span="">differences</span> between <span class="gmail-hiddenSpellError" <the<="" span="">versions</span>? I need to know <span class="gmail-hiddenSpellError" <this<="" span="">for</span> speedrun.com otherwise I will create an NES and a PC category.
I'm hoping to find time to start my first runs in the next few weeks, but I don't think I'll get around to it before November/December.
Thanks for this greate Game, just love it.