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leaving a comment here too because this!!! is really good!!!!!
love how much art there is, the creepy sound effects, and the interactive elements. the only spooktober vn i read so far which managed to legit freak me out haha

aah, it's a bit unfortunate that the game seems to be forced into fullscreen mode(?) and my laptop has an unusual resolution, which meant the sides of the game were cut off throughout my whole playthrough, which made it a bit hard to read all of the text...
but i really enjoyed this entry despite that, which goes to show how good it is!

I'm so sorry about the fullscreen thing! I set up all the menus so they'd scale for any possible aspect ratio, I wonder why it cut off... I have a bad habit of skipping quality of life options-- definitely gonna try to kick that for future jams. Thanks for letting me know, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!