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(1 edit) (+1)


HOW THE HELL IS THIS 7K+???????? I managed to get a final bomb ball AND  a camo ball and it was only 3150!!!!! the camo ball alone should be worth more than most of what's on you're screen (besides the bomb) and then I also had some other smaller balls, and somehow that is LESS THAN HALF of your score?!?!?!?!?!?

(2 edits)

I have two camo SSRBs side by side and a big setup above them, when the setup finally comes together becomes the third camo I guess it touches both of the two Camo down at the same time resulting in 2 big black SSRBs which collide and destroys, my score jumps from 3000 to 6000

oh wow that makes sense actually, I had no idea that that's what might happen when 2 bombs combine, since the graph doesn't show any larger ball, and it makes sense thematically, and it also makes your score makes sense, but damn that's impressive (and maybe a bit lucky), well done!