I'm pretty happy with 12700.
That was fun, albeit a tad strange. The art is cool and readable. The soundtrack is action-packed. The enemy variety was especially great!
The "if you let go of the direction keys, the ship snaps to 90-degrees" feature feels like it came from a rage game. It's counter-intuitive and fiddly. It was so difficult to aim diagonally that I spent most of my time running away from enemies to attempt lateral strafing runs like it was Galaga. This isn't a condemnation; the game was really fun! It's just not what I would expect from the blurb or description.
I sympathize deeply with the ship sprite rotation issue; I've been burned so many times by "automatic sprite rotation."
The limited dash is a great complement to the free-gravity movement. It even paired surprisingly well with the odd control limitation!
For the most part, the audio is balanced. However, a lot of sound effects can occur at the same time, peaking the audio, sometimes above 0.0 dB.
All-in-all, great work!