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It's okay, you're being respectul and honest.
Most of the cast was new to voice acting, they wanted to do it for fun and for getting experience. Some of the voices were modified; for example, the pitch of Alesa's voice was increased, since she's supposed to sound more high pitched. At first, I was going to include an option to turn them off, but I decided against it, since the VAs worked hard and they deserved to be heard. I understand that some people would prefer no voice acting at all, and I might consider adding a no VA option in the future, but at the moment I'll leave the game the way it was envisioned.

I guess the puzzles and overall difficulty are pretty subjective and the experiences are very different. Some people hated the puzzles in the 2nd one but liked these ones, and some considered this game harder.

I understand some people will find the victory dance annoying, while others might love it. It was actually a last minute addition that I really love so I would never consider removing it.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your feedback and honesty!

Personally, I'm proud of the VAs, they did their best, even if some of them had no experience in VA at all, we all worked for months and I'm very happy with their work, and they were really happy to be part of this


And this is supposed to be the final A House for Alesa game, so there won't be a 4th one. While fun, the development left me too tired and feeling empty. Now I'm also considering not making any games at all for a long time


This was a perfect ending for a final game of the series for sure. 

Oh, no! I hope you find your future passions. I really like your games (not just the Alesa series!) but burnout is definitely understandable.  I wish you the best! I will still have notifications on in case you create new games in the future, though ~


Thank you! yeah, I don't want to make an uninspired or soulless game just for the sake of making something. I'll probably regain my inspiration eventually. But still, making games makes me really happy, so I could take a rest but I wouldn't like to stop making them


Aww yea, that is fair and true. If you put no voice acting as an option, then people might not see their hard work. I  understand that they are new and doing it for fun, too. Thank you for taking my feedback well, but I hope if the VAs see, they will not be offended <3 I am glad they got to voice act and get some experience! 

As for the puzzles, yea true, that was more of a personal opinion but I still found the puzzles fun. 

And of course! You never have to remove something if you don't want to remove it, if you like the victory dance that's fine!  I am glad you do. You and everyone did a great job on this game overall, though!

I'm am not offended. I have other project's as well that i work with and its hard reading the scripts without seeing the emotion on screen so do keep that in mind. but thank you for the feed  back so I can do better in the future 

I'm glad you weren't offended ♥ 

Yea, that's fair about the emotion part ^^