That's a nice idea and I'm ready to provide you with images of said characters. Also for ghost pages, I could provide you with censored ghost images and their hunt threshold. There are some ghosts that were human in the past and had a name. This information can be obtained if you collect ghostpedia page and reading them on Tess's website.
Also many character's last name is mentioned somewhere in the game except Luna and Ted. Here's last name for those characters:-
- Luna Murkoff
- Ted Rayner
- Mac Raven
- Wendy Ketchum
Lastly, some more details I would like to add. Mac, Luna and Harleen makes game in this world so also add that occupation for Luna. Ted is in love with Wendy so add that in relatives field for both and this is a bit of spoiler...
Ted has a sister(Megan) that players will meet in upcoming map.